
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2011 1:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Hadn't heard that one . The next post in this blog is Prosecutor news from all over. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thedala Magee

Is someone we hope never to meet.

Comments (16)

What a piece of work is the TSA and apparently no grown-up supervisors/managers to keep the sick, bully employees in line.

LucsAdvo, based on experience, I suspect that the supervisors and managers are getting off on watching these abuses. After all, they won't be held accountable. Even if they are, they'll defend and rationalize this behavior because "I've known this piece of free-range Soylent Green for years, and she wouldn't do anything like that."

Those who haven't done anything wrong have nothing to fear.

Oh PUL-EEZE, Allan L. You are kidding right???
The spousal unit and I traveled through Miami last November right after the printer cartridges fiasco.
Everyone was on high alert. The body searches were beyond invasive. Humiliation was the rule not the exception. The female partner was especially upset and felt violated. However both of us were so afraid to say anything, we just endured. Gitmo is way too close to Miami and we both surmised we could be spirited away and no one would know or care if we disappeared.
We prefer to not fly at all any more. Our rights were violated and we are pissed off, but there is no recourse and few alternatives.

I believe Allan was kidding.

Terrorists must love reading stories like this. I'm sure that the "underwear bomber" never imagined that his actions would lead to the state-sanctioned molestation of thousands of innocent citizens every day. With the help of the TSA and their ilk the terrorists are accomplishing more than they every could have imagined and, best of all, you and I are the ones footing the bill.

I've had to go through the invasive search almost every single time I've flown since January, as the x-ray machines in Portland and the bigger cities have been turned up so high any women with a high-quality underwire bra sets off the machine. This is according to the very nice TSA agent who did the invasive screening in Portland two weeks ago - she asked if I bought my bras at Nordstroms and said that every women who alarms gets them there. Every single search I've had has been professional and gone nowhere near inside my labia, merely an announced back of the hand tapping the crotch of my pants against flesh. I strongly suspect that there are a few bad actors need to be investigated, instead of defended by the TSA!

Thanks, I am glad to know that Allan is joking.
When one feels personally violated it is difficult to remain calm.
My personal experience is that the Portland TSA agents are considerably more gentle than their major airport counter parts.

Vicious is right, Jack! What a psycho. So's the POS aiding her extortionate escapade.

They should change the name to the T S/M A.

If this Agent does sue, I think within days this victim would have enough money to fight this shameful act. I for one would send a check and many more would also. Ms Magee cannot fight all of the people that would join in this action

Why does the TSA hate us for our freedoms?

"The first sign of a declining empire is fear, a fear mostly expressed as "what must we do to hold on to what we have taken from others?" Then, the empire rots from self cannibalism, from consuming itself one resource at a time, one principle at a time, one human value at a time."

--Winston Churchill

I'd bet if I named Farmer Bob as a bigot on Jack's site no one would argue.... so there's my first nomination for a bigot. Sorry sometimes it's too hard not to take the easy shot.

In a case like this it helps to actually look at the law regarding rape. Since this happened at LAX the governing law would be the California Penal Code:

261. (a) Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person not the spouse of the perpetrator, under any of the following circumstances:
(7) Where the act is accomplished against the victim's will by threatening to use the authority of a public official to incarcerate, arrest, or deport the victim or another, and the victim has a reasonable belief that the perpetrator is a public official. As used in this paragraph, "public official" means a person employed by a governmental agency who has the authority, as part of that position, to incarcerate, arrest, or deport another. The perpetrator does not actually have to be a public official.

However, what is the definition of sexual intercourse? Did Agent Magee's actions actually meet the standard? Once again, let us read the Penal Code:

263. The essential guilt of rape consists in the outrage to the person and feelings of the victim of the rape. Any sexual penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the crime.

Given that even part of Agent Magee's hand was inside Ms Alkon's vulva, the answer is obvious.

Who is suing who for "severe emotional distress, fear, difficulty in performing her duties, and other problems"? If you were a juror on this wouldn't you be begging Ms. Alkon to countersue?

And to think that a significant portion of the population is just fine with the loss of freedoms we've endured since 9/11, and think it's ok for even further degradation of the Constitution, in the name of "security." Meanwhile, the TSA and wars in Middle Eastern countries (some portion of which can be charged to "terrorist" concerns, and not just protecting "our" sources of oil)cost the US billions every year. Bloomberg thinks the terrorists lost? Maybe because he's found profit in it all.

And I'm not sure I would consider Portland any better, though it's hard to say what the TSA's procedures say. My mom is 84, walks pretty well, sometimes with a cane, but uses a wheelchair in airports. TSA agents in Portland have in the past nearly dismantled the airport's wheelchair that she uses. Didn't ask her about her recent trip over here and back to Boise.

Someone I know recently told a TSA agent as the agent was getting on gloves to examine her (due to "voluminous clothing", ie a long skirt), to watch out, because she was having a herpes outbreak. Then proceeded to hold her skirt up in the air so everyone could see her underwear. "see, I have nothing to hide". The TSA agentlooked flustered and said, "Oh, I didn't need to see that". The woman replied, "well, I didn't need to be groped by you."

The encounter ended there.

"The first sign of a declining empire is fear,...
...one principle at a time, one human value at a time."
--Winston Churchill

can't seem to find this quoted anywhere else, is there a reference?

was able to find
"The first sign of a declining whacker is the crack."

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