Portland charter commission branching out
It appears that Portland's charter review commission is taking on more than just the prospect of yet another water and sewer rate advisory board. In its latest invitation for public input, the group, which has the power to refer charter changes directly to the voters, says it is also taking up the idea of keeping the city's human rights commission, which could throw a monkey wrench into the mayor and Amanda Fritz's already chaotic office of equity plan. And the charter folks say they're also looking at protecting the independence of the city's ombudsman, which could reverse the City Council's recent move that made the ombudsman terminable at the will of the elected city auditor.
Guess there could be some fireworks out of that committee after all.
Comments (3)
Re Office of Equity:
"They want the City Council to approve the office, and to trust them to figure it out later."
Sounds like the Presidants Jobs Plan. "Pass the Bill"... What Bill? And they are still making up Obamacare.
Posted by dman | September 20, 2011 8:22 AM
If they can keep us focused on these distractions, we'll never get to see the important stuff.
Posted by David E Gilmore | September 20, 2011 8:31 AM
Hate to break it to you, but it'll get ignored like the PURB is ignored. Which is a p!sser since these volunteers do put a lot of effort into doing the right thing.
I just wish we could find elected officials with the same dedication.
Posted by Steve | September 20, 2011 4:05 PM