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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is Obama finding his inner Sam Adams?

Here's a scathing indictment of the President from the left. It's a little over the top, but not much:

There are more Obamas, or Obama look-alikes, in our future. What are the most salient ingredients in his private-public persona? Most striking is a behavior pattern that resembles closely the narcissistic syndrome -- even if he is not a clinical narcissist. A narcissist has no convictions other than a total dedication to his own gratification. That gives him the freedom to maneuver without inhibition or conscience with the revered self as the only reference point. All expressions of ideals, of opinions, of intentions are implicitly so qualified. A complementary narcissistic trait is an ease with blurring the line between virtual reality and actual reality. Narcissists believe everything they say -- at the moment they say it. Their declarations are sterile acts that have no pride of parentage nor can they expect honor from offspring.... Narcissists take as given that they never dissemble or lie -- because to do so is to acknowledge that reality has an intolerably constraining claim on them.

More Obamas, indeed -- you could name a handful of Oregon politicians of the same ilk right off the top of your head.

Meanwhile, the Sellout in Chief's latest economy-stimulatin' idea is the same as his old idea -- cut payroll taxes and bankrupt Social Security a little faster. And what the heck -- the corporations get a payroll tax break, too! FDR -- indeed his entire generation -- is rolling over in the grave.

Comments (10)

It seems to me until we tie corporate taxation to the number of employees a corporation has, we're stuck.

That description sounds much more like Dick Cheney, who famously chose himself for VP when Bush asked him to find a candidate. Obama is just a political coward. He has convictions, but finds endless rationalizations for not living up to them whenever doing so would mean a serious break with elite opinion.

I suppose your narcissism gets validated when you get your own Shepard Fairey poster.

A lot of the 2008 election had that South American dictator/cult of personality vibe to it. Obama was a complete unknown and too many people wanted to believe, regardless of the lack of accomplishment on his part.

I'm not saying Bush was any better, but this guy is also a bad president.

One thing that could save Obama is to speachify and SUSPEND corporate income tax for the remainder of his term. He can sell it by tying it "only" to American made profits. He would then be able to fudge business expenses and remind the public that corporate profits will all ready be taxed as personal income unless the corporations reinvest(more jobs?) The beauty of this is he can guarantee himself another 4 years and businesses may want to hire Amercans. I know that business really needs more than year to year guarantees, but Obama can blame Congress for not going with it.

Obama's vague, unknown, voting 'present' existence allowed to embody whatever fantasy voters wanted at the time.

There is no core substance aside from destroying capitalism.

Some of use expressed doubts about Mr Obama prior to his election but were called racists for daring to challenge his greatness...
But I won't expect an apology from the left anytime soon...

"Some of us expressed doubts about Mr Obama prior to his election but were called racists for daring to challenge his greatness..."

I wonder if you're lying. You expressed doubts about Obama and just for that someone called you a racist? Really? Please provide an example of this happening. Did your "expression of doubt" go something like "Obama is an American-hating, terrorist-loving, African-born communist"?

If so, maybe you are a racist. If not, maybe you're just lying. And projecting.

Michael Brenner, who wrote the article referenced, must have been sleeping during the great Clinton betrayal. It was Clinton who threw his arms around trickle down, a marriage between the Democratic party and high finance that cut the poor and working class completely out of the picture, making them fair targets for demagogues. The ONLY fight Clinton waged with passion during his time in office was for NAFTA, something the Republicans had been trying to get passed for years. Obama just continued keeping Clinton’s faith

As for Obama's core aim being “destroying capitalism”-- not so. Capitalism is doing a good job all by itself. Capitalism is an economic system where each capitalist makes decisions based purely on its bottom line. To do anything else would be a betrayal of capitalist principles. Inevitably as capitalists compete they try to buy politicians and media. They have been so successful at this that capitalism has swallowed democracy. I read several years ago of a survey where, when most people were questioned, they said yes, they believe that capitalism-- a purely economic system-- is written into the US constitution.

Contrary to the la-la land that Clinton described, resources are finite. The material world is finite. Capitalism’s response is to literally and metaphorically pulverize the earth and poison the land and seas to extract the last drop of oil and the last dollar possible out of the heart of the atom. Some capitalists have become so fabulously rich that they are willing to and capable of financing their own private space program-- trash the earth, then make a great get away.

The Nazis were corporatists-- fascist who believed in the union of business interests and the state. They cleverly called themselves “National Socialists” as a trick to climb onto the socialist bandwagon, because socialism was popular. The US is quickly headed down the track where capitalism morphs into fascism-- a merger of government and corporate interests.

Capitalism as the great engine of wealth and prosperity for humanity has run its course. It’s the now devouring its own children and our planet. What will follow? If the enormous networks that our material prosperity depend don’t collapse precipitously, what will follow will be socialism or fascism. If there is a precipitous collapse, the crystall ball goes blank. Tribalism might be the best scenario.

We have to be very smart now. And our children and grandchildren have to be strong and smart. And despite what the media serves up, “strong” doesn’t mean “mean,” nor does it mean becoming “an army of one.”

That description fits most politicians. Anyone who watched the debate last night on MSNBC saw it in the front-runners.

Ron Paul seems a lone exception in the current republican race.

That piece is so melodramatic, hysterical, a-historical, screeching, self-referential and .... narcissistic? Narcissism has become the charge du jour, or whatever the French word for decade is.

Obama was poorly qualified and his earliest appointments (Clinton retreads) telegraphed that loudly. The moment of Geithner's appointment you had to know you were hearing bells of doom.

Even so, the economic transformations, bubbles, collapses and devastations preceded Obama and will post-cede him. I don't see a candidate or party that has a clue as to a direction that will help much less steps toward solution. Anything that possibly would help is politically DOA. Anyone that possibly would help has to be way too smart to put their oars in that water.

It also will not be published in the Huffington Post.

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