
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2011 9:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Our Oregon" jumps into Clackistan "urban renewal" fray. The next post in this blog is Bow wow wow, here come the 'dogs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lesser of two evils is still pretty bad

We supported Tom Hughes for Metro president over Bob Stacey, but listening to him prattle on about the wonders of the particle-board apartment bunkers that light rail trains breed doesn't make us feel too good about that. Old Tom gets up to speak at about 30:25 of this video, shot at the MAX Blue Line party. (Wait a minute for it to load.)

It's like a Blumenauer speech, only slightly less spacey. And he's all for the Mystery Train to Milwaukie. Give him a year and he'll be pushing the Convention Center hotel. And here we thought he had his feet on the ground.

Comments (5)

He might have had "his feet on the ground" to begin with, but soon after being elected, he gets the "word" and then he had to do the bidding of the masters, or face way worse consequences than the ire and disappointment of those who elected him.
Just ask "the Fish", but we won't get a straight answer from him either now.

This raises the question: Does being elected in the greater metro area somehow position a politician to become tainted?

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss ...

He's still the lesser of two evils, but it'd be better for Washington and Clackamas Counties to just vote Metro out altogether. Let Metro be...well...Multnomah County.

How about abolishing Metro since I cannot figure out what they do of value? And MultCo resident have enough other crosses to bear.

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