
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2011 11:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was SoloPower: 170 jobs? or 100?. The next post in this blog is "Green" talk, brown action. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Just call them Tree-Met

As they mercilessly clear-cut SW Lincoln Street for the pointless Billion-Dollar Mystery Train to Milwaukie (pop. 20,291), the mouthpieces at Portland's insolvent public transit agency (motto: "We're no. 1 5") are painting themselves as the great keepers of the trees. Oh, they may be cutting down some old trees, but they're planting many more! And the old ones will all go for firewood for the poor!

You can almost smell the Goldschmidt, can't you?

Whatever. They've also released their artist's conception of how the street will look once the MAX train shows up. Combining many elements of Portland's progressive government, it's worth a look, here.

Comments (25)

It looks like one of Randy Looman's "Loo" trees...probably planted at great expense.

Raise a leg....Go on streetcar!!!

But, but, but....


Jack, perhaps it's time for another contest - the best definition(s) for a "Goldschmidt" - could have both a noun and verb contest!

And, I work in a building adjacent to this street - is TM running the lightrail down the same tracks as the streetcar? Relocating the street car? If both are running on the same tracks, could be very interesting - as is, there are enough streetcars that at certain intersections, one waits for the other to pass.

My bet is they're not only going to relocate the newly laid streetcar tracks (a Portland thing), but also the sewer and water lines, the Keller auditoreum and fountain, the KOIN tower, the Willamette River, the Washington Monument, and one of the Great Pyramids in Giza. Details to follow...

I'm sorry, but isn't that drawing missing

1. Someone on a bicycle
2. Homeless people
3. A food cart

To be properly Portland?

That can't be the correct artwork, Jack. Those dogs aren't accompanied by hipsters with "GIMME A DOLLAR" signs.

Some of them dogs need neckerchiefs.

There will be no streetcar relocation on Lincoln because the streetcar runs down Harrison (a few hundred yards to the north). Lincoln is served by the #17 bus, which will be permanently displaced by light rail.

Of course, since the streetcar does serve PSU, it runs parallel to Lincoln, drops down into the South Waterfront district, and will cross the new transit bridge to the east side, it raises the question of why we're going to destroy Lincoln street just to serve those same locations by yet another train. But no one at TM wants to talk about that.

Hi Jack:
This looks like an "off leash" dog park. Is there a behind the scenes link between
Metro and Parks? Somehow PDC has to figure into this too, or maybe Randy with a new doggie porta potty scheme?
I suppose all of the highly paid dog walkers(Parks/PDC/Metro staff) are catching up on local gossip while sipping their lattes at Starbucks?

Someone needs to put a Bird on it...

I can definitely smell the goldScHmIdT.

Put a bird on it.

And the candlelight cafe bar will be forced to close Feb 26,2012 all because of trimets emminent domain greed arrogance and selfishness.

And the old ones will all go for firewood for the poor!

Actually, no. The larger pieces are to be "re-purposed" as playground equipment; the smaller pieces are destined to become firewood for the poor or turned into mulch.

Given that the poor are unlikely to have an environmentally-approved wood-burning unit, its safe to assume that mulch will be the option selected.

I'm only surprised they didn't tell us that polls show that trees prefer to be repurposed rather than stand in the way of light rail progress.

Great video exploring an alternative to spending $1.5 billion for the Milwaukie line. I'm sure there are other ideas as well.


john has a very good video link!

"Great video exploring an alternative to spending $1.5 billion for the Milwaukie line."

Question: Would every source that's funding it be OK with the money being used for another purpose (even if its transit-related) in the Portland region? If not, its not correct to say there are "alternatives" to spend the money on.

Ah, the "colors of money." The politicians set up the colors; they can change them if they want.

some body,

Since the life span of the light rail system is about 30 years and the $1.5 billion does not include operating costs and the proposed alternative does. Why not spend 1/5th of the $1.5 billion on the alternative. You'd be set for 30 years INCLUDING staffing.

Let the "sources" of funds keep the extra $1.2 billion. We would still end up with better transit service assuming that is the real goal.


Essentially all of the local match, $750 million, is borrwed against existing revenue streams funding other things.

Because voters were never given the choice of voting to pay for the boondoggle no new tax or levy is being used.

Instead the Light Rail racket is pilferring Lottery proceeds, schools, police fire, parks, libraries, regional transporttation infrastructure Flex Funds, human services and even TriMet's own operations revenue.

It's the worst funding scheme in Oregon history.

To make it clear, the $250 Million of Lottery proceeds were committed to MLR several years ago. That is the "seed money" that is paying for cutting the trees down on SW Lincoln, doing geological surveys in the river bed for the bridge and building the pier foundations, partly helping to move the recently built trolley line in SoWhat 100 ft. to the west while raising it 14 ft., paying all the planners, and buying a few parcels of land along the proposed route.

That is how so many of our boondoggles get along around here. Find some "seed money", do some work, then say "we can't stop now!"

That is why CoP/PDC/Milwaukie/Clackamas Co Commissioners are working so hard to do things under the radar. "Too Late!"

Streetcar and Chainsaw Charlie will fit right in.

Mode of operation.
Same with our PWB, race to spend more money so that they can say "we can't stop now!"
Under the radar screen works so well for the agenda, and against the citizenry.
Do people realize that it isn't until late Friday afternoon that we can know what will be on the city council agenda the following Wednesday? That is another way they get by with so much under the radar screen...
and they very frequently use *emergency ordinance which means:

The * indicates an emergency ordinance, which takes effect immediately if passed. Non-emergency ordinances require two readings and a 30-day waiting period before taking effect. Resolutions, reports, etc., adopted by Council are effective after adjournment.

Leonard used an *emergency ordinance to get $135 million as I recall spring of 2009 for the unnecessary Powell Butte project...he wouldn't ask for a delay as NY did, as he was on a race to spend spend and spend so that he could say to citizens, we have gone so far and too late to stop now and then justify closing down reservoirs.

So *emergency ordinance is just another little clever way to go under the radar screen.

Since then, of course, we are finding out now that since NY Senator Schumer asked, EPA is reconsidering the LT2 rule and may exempt capping a reservoir in NY...so what was the emergency Mr. Leonard?
...other than to do what lw brought up, to say "Too Late!"

Wonder what Leonard thinks now, and will the public put enormous pressure on him to finally stop the spending?

Since the life span of the light rail system is about 30 years

Why only 30 years?

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