
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 8, 2011 4:47 PM. The previous post in this blog was Freudian slip. The next post in this blog is Wildfire now could affect Portland water quality come fall. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Green, sustainable... corrupt?

It appears that there are some ne'er-do-wells in the solar panel manufacturing business -- you know, the magic industry that's going to revitalize Portland's economy.

Comments (4)

Just friends of Obama, nothing to see here, keep moving.

Jack !
How dare you question friends of Barry...
Why next thing you know Al Sharpton will be calling you a racist..

"Solyndra could not achieve full-scale operations rapidly enough to compete in the near term with the resources of larger foreign manufacturers"

Puh-leeze, they knew from the get-go they couldn't compete with the Chinese if it required any low-level workers.

This is all about getting govt largesse by saying one of the magic words: GREEN.

Remember how Wyden/Merkley tripped over themselves to throw money at ReVolt? They may want to look at what is happening with SolarWorld's parent company in Germany also - Kiss those energy subsidies goodbye.

Why we let politicians decide what the future of business is going to be when they only see it as a tax cow to milk (after they throw a ton of free money at it) is beyond me.

This smacks of no-bid contracts under a prior admin., course they weren't loans, but these funds are very similar in nature when the loans are discharged in bankruptcy. Where'd all that green go?

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