
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 19, 2011 7:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was The 13th floor. The next post in this blog is Our Ellis McCoy severance story confirmed. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Pulling strings

In Portland, the transportation director (who just changed jobs from being the mayor's "chief of staff") isn't shy about asking for, and taking, personal favors from the real estate developers who get massive city subsidies. Here's the second one uncovered just this month. Dat be some stinky cheese.

Comments (16)

I own some real estate and a business in Portland...
I want MY interest free, $8 million dollar loan!!!!

Miller's kinds of "favors" are resplendent throughout SoWhat. Edlen, Dike and Homer Williams, OSHU, now PSU and others have used these scratch my back-I'll scratch yours throughout SoWhat. And it is well documented. I'm surprised that the O would make this a big deal, but rightfully so. Citizens are catching on and the media is a little behind.

What I find more alarming than the 'cozy' relationship between city hall and big developers is the increasing brazenness by which are conducted.

Looks like corruption is going around ...

May I present to you Mike Burton--former legislator, Metro councilor, Oregonian letter writer, and now--scammer.

Maybe someday I'll learn to proofread better before clicking 'Post'.

I seriously doubt that Tom Miller was brought in for his shrewd business sense. He is probably just eye-candy for Sam.

Pulling Strings

Great title!

And of course he daughter couldn't possibly go to a public school...

This must be what they mean by a transparent, open government:

Now that everybody has a basic understanding that the Construction Mafia runs City Hall- it's OK to ask for favors- just make sure it's all in the open.

Quite the puppet show we have in Portland.

The city hall investigation needs to unravel those strings, would we citizens be shocked?

Just want to add that I don't think so. If the corruption is so apparent to the people, then it should also be so to those investigating.
We so need our city hall cleansed.

Pardon me for mentioning it, but there's "no controlling legal authority" for this kind of thing in Oregon. Nor is there for the Burton fleecing of PSU.

Move along, citizens. Nothing to see here.

Most of the disturbing issues that are arising lately (and not so lately) are at least partially a function of our obsolete form of city government. It should have been changed when we had the chance. But the entrenched interests, which include neighborhood activists, successfully campaigned on a platform of fear of change and the argument that our system is more accessible than a city manager-city council structure. Do you really feel like our city government is accessible? I've worked with the city manager structure extensively in the past and it was far more accountable, transparent and accessible that Portland's. Oh and yes, far more professional and competent.

...But the entrenched interests, which include neighborhood activists, successfully campaigned on a platform of fear of change and the argument that our system is more accessible than a city manager-city council structure...

Are you referring to neighborhood associations?

My perception these days is that they are no longer the neighborhood activists.

There might be a few, sure seem to be the minority.
Since there are over 90 in the city, would think they would be more vocal about matters.

clinamen: Good question and good point. Not necessarily. The neighborhood activists are sometimes NA's, but frequently are individuals or small groups who, over time or through experience, take on that mantle and represent themselves as such. However, my recollection, which might be faulty, is that there was an opposition campaign targeted at NA's and that generally the NA's opposed the charter change.

Elizabeth - Beavertron has a city manager and government in the Tron is just as bad as CoP/

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