
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 27, 2011 10:28 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Portland should be better than this". The next post in this blog is Rumble at the nuke dump. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Meanwhile, in the Pacific Northwest...

We don't get hurricanes, but our own day will come. Here's a guy trying to picture it.

Comments (5)

And here's a guy who thinks "Hurricane Irene should be renamed
'Hurricane Hype'":


A long but good read. very realistic and not over dramatic. based on facts and actual events elsewhere. The only issue I have is that his death toll is low by a factor of 10-100.

Attempts to predict an earthquake are admirable, but as our government attempts to be relevant in national disaster preparation, only the preparation bureaucrats benefit. Last wind storm I got off the couch and was paid by federal loans to reroof my neighbors' house.. "Break a window, put a glazier to work" Sorry, I forgot to mention that I had stockpiled enough shingles to avoid the rush.

Agree, long but good read.
I also wondered about the low death toll.

Not much was written about natural gas breaks and congestion in our immediate pdx area, that may be for another article.

I have written here before about the density issue, that instant gridlock we would have here and other matters. I also write about the water and unfortunately our city has deferred maintenance on our system. Again, focus on spending any money we have to fix the infrastructure on our sustainable system instead of unneeded expensive projects.

I noted that in Cannon Beach, that community is struggling to come up with $3 million to upgrade a vital bridge, and here we spend $137 million for a project up at Powell Butte??

....For years the town had discussed the possibility of retro­­­fitting the bridge. City officials wanted to build a new $3 million structure strong enough to withstand a tsunami, but nobody could ever come up with the funds.13...

Patrick Corcoran is a professional geographer in Astoria, Oregon:

“Let me tell you this,” Patrick Corcoran says as we stroll down Broadway, Seaside’s main drag. “There’s a shop a couple blocks up the street that sells T-shirts that say TSUNAMI EVACUATION PLAN: (1) GRAB BEER. (2) RUN LIKE HELL.”

“And honestly,” he says, “that’s not a bad strategy.”

Awww this is so goofy --- i looked at the article --- the wave I believe ------ but i never saw this many people on an Oregon beach


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