
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 24, 2011 9:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Did shame-meisters feel their own?. The next post in this blog is Underdog game is on. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Doyle snuggles up closer to The Don

Beaverton Mayor Denny Doyle just laid off the city's economic development director and put "urban renewal" guru Don "The Don" Mazziotti in charge of that function, as well as supervising the huge handouts to the apartment developers. Given Mazziotti's track record with the Portland economy, it's unlikely to lead to good things out Bevo way. But rest assured, a chosen few developers and construction companies will do quite well.

With the added responsibilities will no doubt come a raise, and maybe some new perks. Remember The Don's expense account shenanigans at the Portland Development Commission? We still don't know who that Valentine's Day dinner date was over in Bend. Ah, the precious memories.

Comments (5)

Memories...and more to come no doubt as "The Don" ramps up TIF and urban renewal in Beaverton.
I wonder who his next "date" will be at taxpayer expense?

It'll be interesting to see if the people of Beaverton like being fleeced by developers as much as the sheeple of Portland seem to.

Wonder if Beaverton voters are second-guessing their decision to dump Rob Drake for Denny Doyle...

It's a tru-ism that the easiest people to fleece are those who think they are too smart to be fleeced.

Beaverton officials must be very smart, indeed.

I'm a resident of Beaverton and find Gary's "layoff" to be quite a surprise. I haven't heard any rumors; the budget passed without any heartburn from the citizens and Gary always appeared to be a part of the Mayor's team and has the respect of the Council members. My GUESS - we may hear the real reason after the severance package has been negotiated and accepted by all parties.

The Don and Urban Renewal is a bad mix. In light of the failures of the Beaverton Round, it seems crazy that Beaverton citizens will allow The Don's manipulations for any future URs.

There are interesting developments regarding the Beaverton Round through its three failures. There are lawsuits flying every which way with depositions discovering some sorbic details. Dorn-Platz Properties, the second losers, is entangled in lawsuits (Ponzi Schemes) affecting all the parties of the past and probably the future. Maybe The Don will get legally ensnared along with the city. It is getting interesting.

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