
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 17, 2011 10:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was Here's the O, whether you want it or not. The next post in this blog is Cheap Trick brings down the house. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend at Frank's

We just returned from a lovely couple of days and nights in scenic Bend, Oregon (elevation: 3625 feet), where we had successful family business at this well organized and truly uplifting event.

We stayed and ate at the St. Francis School, a fine part of one of Portland's most successful brands ever. It was a hoot. The sandwiches at this other place were first-rate as well.

We got rained on a couple of times, but nothing like what Portland got on this unsettling "summer" weekend. And despite best efforts to remain innocent, we heard the outcome of the women's World Cup championship match before we got home to watch it on the DVR. That first goal allowed was a tragic mistake for the American team.

It's nice to be home, but Bend was intriguing. If we were rich, we'd think pretty hard about picking up a distressed house over there for future recreational adventures.

Comments (7)

For future recreational adventures I would recommend getting one at Crooked River Ranch.

There's 100,000 square miles of beautiful country over there and I'd rather be in almost any other part of it.

We, too, love the Bend country. We attended the graduation of our great-nephew at Bend High School a couple of weekends ago. The huge venue was packed with students, parents and friends--all of a different culture from the Willamette Valley. Very refreshing. The great-nephew, by the way, was named to the state all-star baseball team. And the honor graduate was a 91-year-old gentleman who dropped out of high school to join the WW II fray and earn the Medal of Honor.

Don't forget to visit the Cascade Lakes, which are 30 minutes from Bend. Or hiking and mountain-biking at Mt Bachelor - 20 minutes away. Or canoeing in the river at the Old Mill - right in town. Or the free Sunday concerts at the amphitheater ....

Ah, the Bend addition to the McMenamin empire! Good to know it lives up to the dream. Personally, I like fly-fishing on the Metolius.

I'm not sure there are any distinguishing features in Bend, nothing to see there particularly, and really it is too remote and difficult to get to, not something worth bothering yourself to see, move along, nothing to see, shoulda seen it in its heyday but not much left now. Just focus on what you're doing and go on about your business.

I know what I'm talking about since I was born and raised a bit in that neck of the woods. Really, nothing worth seeing or doing there. Stay out.

Yes, some rare intelligence from the one.

Listen to two former Govs:

Come visit but don't stay.

Bend is out in the middle of no where (before he bought in BrokenTop).

Nothing here but empty SpecShacks and sagebrush.

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