
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 22, 2011 8:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was Desperately seeking a Subway and a Cricket store. The next post in this blog is More bald-faced "urban renewal" gerrymandering. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

There's no stopping eco-progress in Portlandia

Fresh from banning plastic bags at grocery store checkouts, and concerned about the wave of gang violence sweeping Portland, the City Council is expected to vote next week to ban single-use plastic body bags at homicide crime scenes. Police and the state medical examiner would be required to switch to paper cadaver pouches, which city sustainability experts say will use less petroleum and natural gas, and bio-degrade more quickly in landfills. Reuse of body bags at crime scenes is not feasible because it might taint evidence in a murder case.

"It's tragic that 99% of plastic body bags aren't reused," said Mayor Sam Adams in a Twitter post last night. "Their [sic] a bad habit worth kicking."

The ban, which would take effect in November, would be limited to neighborhoods with two or more gang shootings per year. But under that criterion, most of North, Northeast, and Southeast Portland would be included. The council is also expected to take up an exception to the city's new gun control ordinances that would lessen penalties for possession of stolen handguns if they are carried in reused cloth Crown Royal bags.

Comments (11)

One would think all those less-than-fresh plastic body bags could be re-used as planter box liners or some other Green Garden purpose.

Is this April 1st?

Chris Rock has the answer to the gang violence with bullet control


Landfill?! The paper bags can be composted! Just bury the people in them or stick them in the compost bin. (The bags, not the people, of course.)

Is this is an effort to emulate The Onion?

There should also be an exception for carrying a stolen handgun in a "recycled" holster made out of a Steel Reserve 24 oz. can.

I nearly finished the first paragraph before I realized that the tongue was firmly attached in the cheek. The sad thing is that it really sounds like a Portland idea.

As for a second use of body bags, it seems logical that City of Portland would propose using them as fabric-style weed cover for the street-side bioswales.

This, too, sounds too real to be considered parody.

No need for body bags. Bio-Fuels!!!!!! Just think of all of the cemeteries that can be excavated (Metro's already been doing that...ahem...) and reused for a higher and greater purpose and sold off to developers for pennies on the dollar.

The City could further reduce carbon emissions by requiring homicide victims to be removed by public transit.

Nothing like a little eco-gangster awareness to bring environmental responsibility to the fore. Next to come, low carbon emission gunpowder.

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