
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 27, 2011 10:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was The 'Couv gets a sales pitch. The next post in this blog is The British try to figure out Earl the Pearl. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sweet deal for wayward Portland cop

Even the county district attorney can't vouch for this slap on the wrist. Too out of control to have a driver's license, but he should still wear a badge? Ridiculous. Not too many other people with his record would get away without several days in the clink.

Comments (15)

Huh? Not even some house arrest time? Gee whiz.

The judge in this case must be a real cop sucker..... or is that sucker for cops

In the first paragraph it says that the officer had been subject to a restraining order for domestic violence. Doesn't a conviction for domestic violence preclude you from carrying a weapon? And, even if not convicted, aren't you prohibited from carrying while under a restraining order for domestic violence?

If there was a period during which he couldn't carry a weapon and now he can't drive, what good is this guy?


You know I like cops and will usually rise to their defense.

This is indefensible.

If Creepy can't fire this a$$hole for cause, there isn't much point in having a Police Commissioner. We might as well let the union handle all personnel and discipline matters.

If you break the law with impunity, the public you serve doesn't trust that you can enforce the law. Full stop.

He drove his car in a bike lane. Death Penalty.

Mister Tee, I thought the union did handle all personnel and discipline matters including blacklisting whistle blowers. And the union never met a cop that it didn't protect unless they considered the cop disloyal to the thin blue line.

Sometimes judicial discretion is a good thing ...... sometimes not.

This cop appears to be an alcoholic, with a pretty serious anger management problem. He should not be a police officer, or even a security guard.
Telephone duty? Yikes! I would not want to be a female calling about a domestic violence problem when this guy was manning the phones!

It's OK. Jerry Meals says it's safe. #jerrymealssaysitssafe

I don't mind a little judicial deference to a cop, depending on the circumstances, but you reach a point where it's an unacceptable double standard and rank favoritism. Like here.

When's the PPA's "I am John Shandron" rally at the courthouse steps? After all, how dare that judge not understand the stresses of being a cop.

How many "cops who drink too much" and "cops who threaten people when off-duty" does this make for Portland now?

Hardship permit to drive to work?! That's BS. Put him on the MAX!

The PPB wouldn't want an off-duty cop riding MAX: it isn't safe.

Unbelievable. The preferrential treatment cops get every time they break the law.if that was you or I the judge would have given us jail time but not to a cop I guess.

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