
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 30, 2011 9:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Kicking the PERS can down the road. The next post in this blog is Fore!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Reader poll: Is that Boehner's real hair?

Take a look at the photos and tell us what you think:

Is that John Boehner's real hair on top of his head, or a hairpiece?
His real hair
A hairpiece
pollcode.com free polls

Comments (17)

Incomprehensible why he would cover his bald patch. Bald patches can be very attractive, too bad people try to cover them up. Seriously, he would almost be John-malkovichy (swooniest bald guy on earth)if he didn't have that silly decoration on his bald patch.

I really liked Mitch Daniels while he lasted, but worried about his unfortunate comb-over insecurities.

I don't know about the hair - I'm still working on how he gets "BAY-ner" out of Boehner.


It is certainly more real than say Obama's affection for his country. Or it could even be more real than Michelle's love of gardening. Or, Boehner's hair could even be more real than Obama's claim that he didn't agree with and/or missed the racist hate of Reverend Wright. Heck, it could even be more real than Obama's success with those Annenberg funds in Chicago.

Aw, let's get back to Palin.

My wife is a die hard liberal in many ways, and it creates some lively debates here at home. Last night while watching Bill Maher with our wine I asked her what bothered her most about conservatives. She said "number one, they seem to all visit the same barber". I showed her your post a few moments ago and she said "and they are obviously hiding something"

I like Boehner OK, but anyone who would bake themselves into a dark shade of oak in the name of vanity, would likely see no harm using a rug to cover some shine.

Gibby, what kind of wine goes with Bill Maher?

My wife enjoys a nice Merlot, but I'll dump anything down my throat that will get me drunk enough to endure the 40 minutes leading up to "new rules".

By the way, he ended the show last night to say he would be live in Jacksonville ORYGONE in late August.

For this? - Jacksonville is home to the Britt Festival, a seasonal music festival that takes place at an open-air amphitheater. The site was selected in 1963 because of the acoustic qualities of the surrounding hills. The popular concert series draws national pop, country, alternative and contemporary music acts.

Those eyes! From whom did they photo shop those for this picture? Kinda scary!

Relax. The eyes are completely normal. They've looked that way ever since the space aliens first came to earth and crossbred with humans.
In Speaker Boehner's case, the only thing unusual about the picture is that he isn't weeping.

Reid is hands down the slimier of the two speakers. I am pretty sure the debt ceiling gets lifted by this Tuesday evening. Reid will lead with the Dems a compromise bill with the Boehner bill sent over yesterday, and Boehner type GOPs will combine with House Dems to pass it. Tea Party GOPs won't have the numbers to block it this time. Tea Party GOPs at least brought us some national discussion of our over-indulging federal governance.

Wow. When did straight guys start caring so much about men's hair styling or rugging?

"...Boehner type GOPs will combine with House Dems to pass it." --Bob Clark

Bob, after watching this little game Congress and POTUS are playing, I've learned that there is no way to predict the next step.

From Reuters, "Earlier on Saturday, the House quickly crushed the Democrats' proposal even before the Senate acted on it, rejecting the measure 246 to 173." [|Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:34pm EDT]

I don't normally put time stamps on my clips, but since everything is happening so quickly, it seemed like a good thing to do this time.

Everything is happening so quickly?

Of course the hair is a 'do over' and there are indications he did it 8 years ago.
(His progressing Venus turned retrograde.)

I'm waiting to see one single solitary photo taken anywhere in any year showing him with any level less than .10% blood alcohol content.

It's his spray on tan that weirds me out more than his hair.

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