
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 6, 2011 2:40 PM. The previous post in this blog was U of O football scandal moving faster than offense. The next post in this blog is Gulp. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mary's other half

We've started our due diligence on Portland City Council candidate Mary Nolan, with whom we've had little contact. In the legislature, she has been a party-line Democrat, showing a 100% track record in harmony with the American Civil Liberties Union.

But what troubles us is her connections, and those of her husband, Mark Gardiner. Nolan's been a City Hall insider in past careers, and she has the Old Money that controls Portland fully in her corner. Moreover, she's hired the consummate local political fixer, Mark Wiener, who will do what it takes to rub out Nurse Amanda. Not an attractive package.

Gardiner, meanwhile, has so many strikes against him that it's hard to know where to start. He owned part of the "private" side of the doomed public-private partnership that led to the city's disastrous 2001 renovation of what is now Jeld-Wen Field (then PGE Park). When last we checked, the city's taxpayers were still holding a $24.7 million bag on that one -- and that's before you count the additional eight figures (plus rent holiday) handed to new sports huckster Little Lord Paulson. Gardiner ran the finances at City Hall when Neil Goldschmidt, an early endorser of Nolan in politics, was mayor. Since then, Gardiner was one of the members of the Oregon Investment Council, sitting next to Goldschmidt's wife as they funnelled public money to pals like the Texas Pacific Group. And Gardiner served as a "business advisor" to Peter Kohler and OHSU in connection with the catastrophic SoWhat District, its aerial tram, and its false promises of thousands of high-tech jobs.

It isn't taking us long to conclude that this couple has been feasting at the public trough for too long, and that having Nolan on the City Council would be an invitation for further looting by the West Hills set. It doesn't seem likely that she'll get our vote.

Comments (9)

Yes, Jack, she is the same-old-same-old. Your connections are correct and there are more. Same agenda as we've had for the last two, almost three decades, and especially the last one. We need new blood and Nolan isn't it. One thing you didn't emphasize is her Transit Mafia connections and how she has voted through the years. But connecting her to Goldschmidt somewhat helps to make the transit connection.

It is interesting how Hales, and probably Nolan will somewhat disconnect from the Transit Mafia while their pasts are just full of it. Hales is even claiming that he questions/doesn't support Milwaukie Lightrail. He's a little late. But he or Nolan could do wonders if they jumped on the "No" board before or after Clackamas Co. public vote on urban renewal turns down their $25 Million MLR contribution.

Amanda has said publically many times that she supports MLR and the LO trolley. She may be a one-term council member.

I had 4th of July with some "river people" that are pretty upset about the very limited height of the proposed MLR Bridge over the Willamette. It may not be a done deal. But it could play out like the tram, "Oh, we already spent money increasing the grade and starting prep work for the bridge, we can't turn back".

As noted previously, there's a lot not to like about her. She's way too much a part of the FON cabal. I don't think she'd be any worse than Nurse, but that's not a good election criterion.

"He owned part of the "private" side of the doomed public-private partnership that led to the city's disastrous 2001 renovation"

God, what next Glickman Jr as her running mate? This whole gang feeds off the public teat since that's the only people stupid enough to finance their fool's errands.

I will say on thing for Gardiner, he really made Vera look like the incompetent she was/is.

There are only two kind of Portland Progressives: those employed by Government, and those who are fleecing it.

And all the blue oregon posters are making Nolan out to be a hall of fame leader.Nolan is nnot what Portland needs. Portland needs leaders who want jobs here not more money for schools.Nolan is a bleeding heart liberal exactly what Portland don't need any more of.

Good thing I started reading this blog and haven't bought a house in Portland yet, sorry for all your anchors peeps.

so ya gonna endorse amanda?

...I will say on thing for Gardiner, he really made Vera look like the incompetent she was/is...

Public-private partnership was Vera's mantra.

She hasn't really retired, has she?

Lee:..."Oh, we already spent money increasing the grade and starting prep work for the bridge, we can't turn back".

This is the ubiquitous plan they race forward to - the we can't turn back now after spending this much!!

I support the ACLU so this aspect of her voting would be a good thing as far as I am concerned. Being a Democrat, well, right now, that is practically as problematic as being a Republican.

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