
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 8, 2011 2:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was The friendly skies. The next post in this blog is Portland police mantra: "Because I said so". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Have a great weekend

Comments (4)

Ahh, the lads have held up rather well, haven't they? I still say the most mind-blowing book about the Fab Four is called, "The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions." It goes into day-by-day detail of what they were doing in the studio and it's shocking. We know they banged the first album out in a day, but these later numbers were being written and arranged as they went along. Yet, they were turning out brilliant recordings - songs that will last as long as there's music on earth - with the casual efficiency of someone mowing the lawn.

I have the book right here. Let's see: Wednesday, April 6, 1966 they started recording a song called "Mark I" that would become "Tomorrow Never Knows". By Thursday evening, the next day, they had finished that and started recording, "Got to Get You Into My Life."
Skipping ahead to the next Thursday, they started recording "Rain" and "Paperback Writer." By that Sunday they began "Dr. Robert" and by Wednesday, the 20th of April, 1966, they were recording, "And Your Bird Can Sing."
It's truly ridiculous.

I always thought "Got to Get You Into My Life" was Paul doing the whole track himself.

They had 5 players in a horn section and the book details how they all got the gig. Paul just showed them what he wanted on the piano. A few weeks later the saxes and horns from the first recording were doubled a little out of sync to make them fuller.
There is an incredible amount of mixing down from 4 tracks to 2 and then adding another track. This often throws the original mix out of kilter so they go back and remix the original 4 track and do it again. They were working with incredible limitations compared to today's studios, which makes the whole thing all the more remarkable.
Frankly, there's something in the way they press on, that's uniquely British, in my opinion. George Martin was brilliant and a very hard worker, but you pick up this vibe like they're saying, "The eyes and ears of the world are on England with this, lads, so let's give it a go, what?"

F-SirPaul listen to John on Jacks post and listen to mine and see where John was going.

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