
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 19, 2011 8:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was More than they can stand. The next post in this blog is Dismal enough for ya?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Absolute cluck and fuster

We can't decide whether this is more like the setup of a Mel Brooks movie or a Monty Python sketch. Either way, it's coming to Portland next May to talk about "planning healthy communities." And what better picture of health than a personal welcome from our fair city's mayor?

Actually, by the time the international confab arrives here, he may be a lame duck. The primary election's just a few days before the conference. And interestingly, Streetcar Charlie from Camas is on the board of the "true urbanism" planner outfit.

We're not sure what to make of the fact that the board consists of 26 men and 2 women. Maybe women are too real for them.

Comments (23)

SO...German!!!??? and European! and oh what-ever!
That ex mayor of Charleston is going to shocked at the parking meter rates here! Charleston has really cheap and plentiful parking, and the rate is adjusted as to how far from the city center you park too!
Of course no one will tell these experts in "livability" that among other things, our job market sucks and the water bureau is stealing the ratepayer's money for all sorts of non related expensive bureaucratic B/S.
I wonder if the cops will roust the homeless away from downtown for the duration of the conference.
Out of sight out of mind...

Can't help but notice the planning poohbahs are ... er ... not a particularly diverse bunch.

No diversification necessary; you must only agree to agree.

Definitely Mel Brooks. "Springtime for Sam Adams and Por-hort-land..."

As with everything else spouted by our local elite--equity, diversity, car-free, green, high-density--it's all do as I say, not as I do.

They're a bunch of nerds... of course there are no women in sight!

Oh, so it's a religious conference.

Bow at the Green Alter, Portland! What sacrifice have you made today for The Million? Can't you see them on the horizon, brother?

What a joke. A bunch of architects, "planners," and some mayors. Not a business leader or economist in the bunch. You can't have a livable city without jobs.

How about a bus tour of the ghetto style housing pushed into "some" neighborhoods?
How about a midnight ride on the Max?
Kind of difficult to put empty storefronts out of sight, out of mind.

Hopefully by the, I will have left.

As a non-government employee, non-homeless person, any shred of 'livability' about this place died years ago.

Sam shopping for his next job. He saw how Charlie Hales made out.

I wouldn't be surprised if Sam Adams is looking to land somewhere other than the Mayor's spot. He's been flying to other destinations pushing his green credentials, and this conference here gives him further opportunity to sell his "train wreck" carcus off to someone else. I wish him luck but can't be too excited at the prospect, as where there is one "snake green oil sales person," there are only way too many such types to take his place. Stump town is a greek disaster waiting to happen.

Perhaps there are few women because as bearers of children, in general they tend to not to agree with planned extinction.

Yes Mr. Grumpy,
But who raised these children who are now the planners of which you speak.

Bob Clark,
Interesting point about Sam Adams.
However, all potential landing places need to do is read Jacks blog, doubt he would be hired.
His timing might be off as well, by the time his term is up, the disaster of Stumptown may be more evident to the outside world, no matter how much money the insiders spend on PR/marketing.

My "stargazer" sees a future for him far away from here where he can be happy away from public scrutiny and opening up a bike shop.

When was the location of this "important" conference determined?

I don't think it is any accident that with Charlie Hales on the Board of this group that the conference is being held in Portland next year, thereby getting much free publicity out of this conference and his part of “Making Cities Livable” in his "home" town Mayoral race. I imagine he planned on a run off, but with the way things are not going in his favor, who knows?

Why are so many of the people professing to make cities "more livable" so unbearable? Maybe their staff headshrinker can host a charrette on that:


Ben beat me to it! I enjoyed the fine whine:EPA's Office of Smart Growth, which has been promoting compact, walkable communities and livability for a decade, is facing elimination according to a current House proposal, reports Smart Growth America.

The organization, based on Washington, DC, writes in an email:

The House Appropriations Committee just passed legislation that would eliminate funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Smart Growth. We need your help to tell members of Congress to reject this proposed cut when the legislation is considered by the full House of Representatives.

More bad news for the Smart planners

Chairman Mica letter to national chamber of commerce



Proposed accounting changes could add up to $13.5 billion to Oregon’s balance sheets


I wouldn't be rejoicing just yet. You know the morons around here will cook up some new tax/fee/whatever to keep subsidizing their dream.

Besides the latest news on unfunding Smart Growth and funds to projects like Milwaukie Lightrail, there is the likely unfunding of Clackamas Co's $25 Million portion.

But from inside sources, there have been several unscrupulous events this past week from some Clackamas Commission members to try to insure the $25 Million. Some are treading on potentially unethical conduct that may be legally challenged. Some members are even declaring that even if voters turn down the $25 Million, "We'll find the funds anyway". Some of these "discussions" have been flirting with the "quorum" conflict of "meetings" without proper notification. Things are getting nasty in Clackamas.

Why are so many of the people professing to make cities "more livable" so unbearable?

If this Smart Growth plan is so successful, why is that people are unhappy and stressed out about what has happened to our city as a result of this plan?

There is something to be said about just letting people live without being hammered about plans and letting their city evolve with characteristics of their own, rather than this "cookie cutter" smart growth plan. Good codes we had were changed and Portland was a nice livable city before this density and congestion and redo according to formula.

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