
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 16, 2011 11:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was Papa's got a brand new ban. The next post in this blog is Mother Nature's still doing the talking. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

A kick in the butte

The mayor of Portland spoke at the press conference Friday about the discovery of the remains of murder victim Yashanee Vaughn on Rocky Butte in northeast Portland. Alas, he identified the site, on which he was standing, as Powell Butte, which is several miles southeast of there. The goof comes at 3:35 of this video. Overall, a pretty spacey performance from inside the cloudy bubble.

Comments (8)

Did he happen to mention that his urban renewal scams has taken tens of millions of dollars from the police each year??


It appears that Mayor Cr@ppy had one of his pants-optional, pickup truck trips to Vancouver interrupted today.

Really, Sam, if you are so heavily medicated that you are scarcely able to speak, perhaps it would be advisable to have one of your multiple PR staffers speak for you. Didn't you pay off Amy Ruiz for just such purposes? And if she was unavailable, aren't there five more you could have called?

Failing that, just let the cops talk -- at least they appear sober.

At any rate, that is one hell of a washed up mayor we have. Sad.

I'm just relieved that the 16-year-old suspect finally talked, so Yashanee's family could deal with this part of the hurt.

At any rate, that is one hell of a washed up mayor we have. Sad.

Yes this is true. Get ready for 4 more years.

And Randy is gone, Yay for Portland, right? Not really since Randy has placed his hand-picked replacement, Mini-me-Randy in the catbird seat. Three time loser Novick will continue in Randy II fashion.

Portland has abandoned Keep It Wierd for the new improved Keep It Stupid.

Keep Portland Stupid. I like that.

If you listened carefully Mayor Spacey thanked the chiefs of police for their work on this case.... really there is more than one chief in Portland?

I believe Chief Reese is out of town so, per PPB policy, someone was appointed interim police chief until Reese returns. So, technically, there are two police chiefs at the moment.

There is a hole at Powell Butte so big, apparently he cannot get out of it now, at least not in his mind, as in May he went along with Randy to put another $80 million into it.

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