What is Chuck Currie running for now?
Here's an interesting political ad on BlueOregon:

No mention of what office he might be running for -- just "Don't forget me -- I'm blue!" Perhaps his friend Deborah "the Latest" Kafoury is going to hop off the Multnomah County commission and run for Portland City Council; then Reverend Chuck can take another run at the county gig. It would be fun -- like bringing Erik Sten back to Portland and putting him back in office.
Comments (11)
I'm a reporter at WW who covers the county. When Curry ran, it was to represent the NoPo district. Kafoury's district is mainly the west side. Candidates have to live in their district - at least until they're elected.
Posted by James Pitkin | June 16, 2011 8:06 AM
"I seek to change the evidence of our reality"
That sounds real promising and ought put him right up there with the best politicians this county/state has ever seen.
Who knows maybe thru just raw random coincidence we'll get a pol who actually lives in the real world.
Posted by Steve | June 16, 2011 8:07 AM
"It would be fun -- like bringing Erik Sten back to Portland and putting him back in office."
Yeah, like Charlie Hales.
Who thinks the only problem with Tram/SoWa is the economy and that the planned OHSU/OUS building,
"Life Sciences Collaborative Complex" is a research building for 1000s of biotech jobs and Milwaukie Light Rail is the linchpin making it all possible.
Idiot liar.
Posted by Ben | June 16, 2011 8:30 AM
My mother always told me, "never trust a man with a bible".
Posted by portland native | June 16, 2011 8:33 AM
If there was ever a politician (or politician wannabe) who had pure motives, Chuck is about the closest there will ever be. He is, very much, a man of integrity. When he was still a kid, he was helping out with the homeless, and he's never stopped trying to help the worst off of all of us. I really doubt his priority would ever be to overspend on ego-filling trams and handouts to real estate developers and members of the Billionaire Boys' Club.
Posted by observer | June 16, 2011 8:51 AM
Very nice, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Posted by portland native | June 16, 2011 8:58 AM
"I seek to change the evidence of our reality"
Isn't that the motto of the Portland planning department?
Posted by Snards | June 16, 2011 9:06 AM
Portland doesn't need another tour guide to take us down the road we're already on.
Posted by David E Gilmore | June 16, 2011 10:31 AM
I seek to change the reality of our evidence.
Vote for Pedro!
Posted by cc | June 16, 2011 11:20 AM
"It would be fun -- like bringing Erik Sten back to Portland and putting him back in office."
Ben:Yeah, like Charlie Hales...
If there is one thing our community should get - considering the downward spiral around here - is to not bring back "retreads" that were a major part of being responsible for this negative agenda.
In my opinion, Hales wouldn't put his hat into the ring, unless he thought the money behind him along with his "shark" maneuvers and propaganda would place him as Mayor!
Many have not forgotten even after all these years how he operates.
Posted by clinamen | June 16, 2011 12:12 PM
Observer, claiming that Currie has "pure motives doesn't swing it in saying he wouldn't support a tram, MLR, SoWhat, Convention Center Hotel.
How many times have our past and present politicians and bureaucrats used these kinds of projects as their means of saying that these projects "improve our city and provides tax revenue for the homeless, the downtrodden, the middle class, whatever. That is how Currie would be able to justify advocating for these projects because he really believes that it trickles down to his interests and constituents. Wrong.
Posted by Lee | June 16, 2011 9:04 PM