
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2011 12:36 AM. The previous post in this blog was Where do we send the bill?. The next post in this blog is "Voter-owned elections" was unconstitutional anyway. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Truth leaks out of Fukushima more slowly than the poison

Hey, guess what? The nuclear wizards in Japan have just admitted that 15 tons of radioactive water has leaked into the ocean from the Fukushima meltdown site. That's about 4,000 gallons. And if you don't think many times that quantity, and much nastier stuff, is leaking out of that place every day, I have some Japanese sushi to sell you.

Meanwhile, radioactive strontium has been found at the bottom of the sea near the meltdown. Our grandchildren who eat seafood will be ingesting it. Nuclear power is so nasty.

Comments (2)

Just wait 'til the PR sociopaths start trotting out the "solar power is nuclear power, too" campaign.


Some background on The Yes Men:

"That's what's amazing about the discourse in this country," says Mike Bonnano, one of the two weapons-grade ironists...."People are so used to complete absurdity that nothing surprises them any more."

Bonnano and his accomplice, Andy Bichlbaum, are used to people not getting their jokes. Fury and incomprehension were the main reactions to one of Bonnano's most celebrated youthful stunts when, in the 1990s, he and some friends bought crateloads of Barbie Dolls and GI Joe toys, swapped the voiceboxes, and smuggled them back onto the shelves in time for Christmas. Children and parents across America were confronted with testosterone-drenched killing-machine Barbies, and soldiers who just wanted to go shopping.


That is there and this is here:

"As America's nuclear power plants have aged, the once-rural areas around them have become far more crowded and much more difficult to evacuate. Yet government and industry have paid little heed, even as plants are running at higher power and posing more danger in the event of an accident, an Associated Press investigation has found.

Populations around the facilities have swelled as much as 4 1/2 times since 1980, a computer-assisted population analysis shows.

But some estimates of evacuation times have not been updated in decades, even as the population has increased more than ever imagined. Emergency plans would direct residents to flee on antiquated, two-lane roads that clog hopelessly at rush hour.

And evacuation zones have remained frozen at a 10-mile radius from each plant since they were set in 1978 — despite all that has happened since, including the accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima Dai-ichi in Japan."

"Last week, the AP reported that federal regulators, working in concert with industry, have repeatedly weakened or failed to enforce safety standards so old reactors can keep operating. The records review included tens of thousands of pages of government and industry studies, test results, inspection reports and regulatory policy statements.

The AP found in its population analysis that over the decades, plant operators and federal regulators have given surprisingly little thought to nearby population growth."

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