The comments are even better. There's pedantic, there's borderline autistic, and then there's the guy stomping his widdle feet about the difference between "cardboard" and "corrugated." (My father was a packaging engineer who specialized in corrugated cardboard, and he knew when to pick his fights about the terminology.)
Comments (3)
The comments are even better. There's pedantic, there's borderline autistic, and then there's the guy stomping his widdle feet about the difference between "cardboard" and "corrugated." (My father was a packaging engineer who specialized in corrugated cardboard, and he knew when to pick his fights about the terminology.)
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | June 8, 2011 10:33 AM
Ok, cardboard comes from trees and trees are sustainable thingies, right? This is almost as eco-friendly as wearing a bioswale on your head.
Posted by jmh | June 8, 2011 10:46 AM
No, you can't cut down trees. Most cardboard is from recycling old cardboard.
Posted by Jon | June 8, 2011 12:57 PM