
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 2011 7:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Will TSA grope you at airport?. The next post in this blog is Assassinating Riddell -- tin foil helmet edition. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Stop using sexist language

Like "he" and "she." Go with "hen."

Comments (14)

In college the pronoun was "ze."

My personal favorite: she-he-it.

Thank goodness for progress, I would hate to live in culture where boys grow up to be manly, and the girls grow up to be nice and pretty.

It's either this or Sharia.

This is right up there with the couple in Ontario, Canada who are not telling anyone the sex of their baby so as to not unduly influence its gender identity.
What a lot of rot!

But it's Swedish! Look for the enlightened folks on the Portland City Council to try to get the ball rolling on something similar.

None of those proposed gender-neutral singular pronouns is ever going to catch on. What's happening instead is that "they," "their" and "them" are increasingly being used for this purpose, and being regarded as correct by grammarians. ("Theirself/themself" still sounds a bit awkward to me, but that's probably because I'm over 50. I'll get used to it eventually.)

"gender pedagogues" = nanny commissars

Very Stalinist, don't "we" think?

Thank goodness for progress, I would hate to live in culture where boys grow up to be manly, and the girls grow up to be nice and pretty.

Actually, you probably would. We've tried thinking like that and it comes with a lot of extra misogynistic and even misandrist garbage we don't need.

It's better to let people be who they are instead of trying to force them into a couple one-size fits all boxes.

Oh, yes, because our society is sooooo healthy now and almost no one needs psychiatrists anymore.

I think there are more problems in our society than what socially “neutering” would fix.
Class warfare for example, doesn’t seem to matter on gender there as far as ubiquitous minimum wage jobs.

I have no in depth knowledge on the subject, but somehow it seems that this type of schooling could cause confusion and frustration. After all we are different, and differences have positive values.

To each his (or her, or his and her, or their) own.

"Nearly all the children's books deal with homosexual couples, single parents or adopted children. There are no "Snow White," ''Cinderella" or other classic fairy tales seen as cementing stereotypes."

Weird is definitely working overtime to eradicate normality.

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