
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 2, 2011 9:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was Portland's next consultants. The next post in this blog is More on the iTunes freezing problem with our iPhone. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to clean up college sports

Here's a fascinating proposal to eliminate the corruption and hypocrisy in college athletic programs: Adjust team scores on the field or court by the players' SAT scores, and by how much money their schools are paying them to play. In this day of technological wizardry, it is entirely do-able!

Comments (9)

My favorite part of the Ohio State story - so far - is Terrelle Pryor. In 3 years of college he's had 8 different cars?

Publishing SAT scores. An explosive concept.

I've always thought that halftimes at the games could be used for something akin to the old "College Bowl" quiz show on TV. Scores from that would be incorporated into the overall score. It'd be great to see Chip Kelly blaming a Ducks loss on the team's weakness in planetary physics.

On that halftime competition, the contestants, of course, would have to be the stars and starters, not some bench warmers from a specialty team.

This South Park episode explains the economics of the NCAA:


Their rule is simple: only white people can earn money off college football.

"I don't make the rules. I think of them and write them down." Eric Cartman

Not bad, but too many levers. Someone like Calipari will game it to death (he's skipped out on two schools that got the death panalty already.)

Just pay them and give them a 1099 and say the heck with it. If the NCAA is going to run this like a for-profit enterprise and continue to keep raising tuition several times the rate of inflation then they should start paying for the labor involved.

That's funny that this should come up right after the funeral of former Texas governor Bill Clements, who authorized and approved of illegal payments made to Southern Methodist University football players in the Eighties. An old high school friend was pushed by his father to go to SMU for his aerospace engineering degree on a football scholarship, even though his SATs were high enough for him to go to Caltech without an issue, and got caught right in the middle of that fiasco when the team was shut down for a year as part of its probation. (If SAT scores for college players were published, he wouldn't have stood a chance at getting on the team, because he would have thrown off the whole curve.)

If we started adjusting team scores per SAT results, Stanford would win the Pac-12 from here until they abolish the rule.

Some schools are just a cut above others.

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