
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 24, 2011 12:38 PM. The previous post in this blog was What? Google... antitrust issues?. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

And they're off

The folks who want to be Portland's next mayor are starting to amass war chests. Streetcar Charlie's showing $14,000 in the kitty, while Eileen the Founder has apparently piled up around $75,000. Meanwhile, we noted with interest that Willy Week dished out a serving of snide to Brady in this piece. They're probably shining up the halo for the fair-haired Cogen if he decides to enter the race.

Comments (9)

More importantly, how much does Sammy have?

We need to get rid of him and all the PowerPoint printing, charette organizing, group verbalization coordinating, pie-in-the-sky dreaming fabulizers he calls staff.

Does it matter how much Sam has? I think my dog could beat him in an election at this point. On the other hand, my dog's better than Charlie or Jeff. I'm not keen on Eileen, either - though at least she has some actual work skills.

all the PowerPoint printing, charette organizing, group verbalization coordinating, pie-in-the-sky dreaming fabulizers

Do you expect anything different from Hales or Cogen? I doubt it. Even Brady looks like a Kool-Aid drinker.

For real change, you'd have to get new congressional representatives who will bring back money for cops and schools instead of streetcar foolishness. Don't hold your breath.


Dumping Earl isn't going to happen soon.

"Does it matter how much Sam has? I think my dog could beat him"

Not without a viable opponent (and it wouldn't take much don't forget Oken-Berg who got close to beating Vera) - This is Portland after all.

I don't think Cogen is going to run. He and his former boss Saltzman are just trying to make Sammie's life difficult with their "maybe, just maybe" comments
(and Saltzman pretty much said so in that interview a couple of weeks ago). My guess is that the field is pretty much set -- and Brady's $75k will help keep it that way. One remaining possibility is Francesconi, but he's probably struggling to get fund-raising commitments since everyone already gave last time he ran. And Francesconi probably hurts Hales more than Brady. It will be two former City Hall insiders versus the "local, green" outsider.

Given that this is Portland, I would be happy with Brady, who at least will bring some private sector experience to PDX government.

At this point, it is hard to figure out what Eileen Brady wants to do in the Mayor's office. I'd like to hear more from her. Anybody but Adams. Whichever Adams opponent polls the highest before voting day - that person will get my vote.

What difference does it make as long as you fools in Portland keep electing the samedo nothing Democrats nothing will ever change.I'm sure you clowns will reelect uncle Sam Sam Adams again cause you don't have the brains to elect a Republican.

The Portland Republicans all moved to Maywood Park. There are no more left.

There are a few of us republicans still in Portland..
And of the crop of candidates I'm leaning towards Brady, I may disagree on some issues but at least she doesn't need a half a dozen cabin boys to tote her baggage into office...

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