
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 2011 1:22 PM. The previous post in this blog was Paid a bribe? Report it on a website.. The next post in this blog is Nebraska nuke plant not "watertight" after all. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

A punch in the gut

This story is just unspeakably sad.

Comments (16)

Apparently, the driver attended this festival:


The owners of the property (Horning's Hideout http://horningshideout.com/default.php?view=tour) in North Plains have fought and won to get permits for such events. They seem to have created quite a stir in the community hosting these mass gatherings. Unruly patrons bothering others living nearby was a common theme to the complaints. The website for this event (posted above) says nothing specific about drug use restrictions. Yet, it specifies no outside alcohol will be allowed because they want people to buy drinks there. I am sorry to hear a person can walk past gate security completely tweaked, steal a car and run down an innocent bystander. I hope all of those responsible will be held liable for this horrible loss.

The timeline of this story doesn't make sense as the "festival" didn't open until 10 AM which is about the time he hit the jogger. The guy was coming from his home, not from the festival. Did he steal the car at the festival the night before?

No outside drugs permitted.

Let's see his mugshot. My guess, based on the report, is the guy is a FU'd meth freek. What a POS.

Supposedly the guy tried to steal another car, but the drive took the keys out of the ignition. So the druggie then gets out of the car, onto the hood, and headbutts the windshield, breaking it.

Kinda makes you want to shy away from whatever he was drugged up on, eh? Victimless indeed.

"Jensen was hospitalized at Portland's Legacy Emanuel Hospital for injuries unrelated to his arrest, Thompson said. He was listed in critical condition Monday morning."

I know this guy is almost certainly a worthless sack of waste, but wtf?

Yes, a terribly sad story. But the timeline really makes no sense, unless he spent the night at the event Saturday and was leaving Sunday-- or unless he was on the way to get there on Sunday. The accident happened at 10 AM Sunday. Gates opened at 10 AM Sunday. And why would he have spent the night there Saturday if he was planning to leave at Sunday morning before 10?

there's nothing wrong with the timeline. he got wasted at a four-day music festival with overnight camping.

I don't see how Horning's Hideout could be held liable, unless they sold him the drugs. I would blame the kid's parents before the festival organizers.

He could have purchased a similar mind altering substance at half a dozen watering holes or dorm rooms in each of the tri-counties.

It may get worse. This weekend is the Rainbow Gathering in the Gorge:


A circle of individuals gathering on the land in Pennsilvaina have reached an understanding through counsel and careful concideration, the 2011 Annual Rainbow Gathering of Living Light will be enjoined and celebrated July 1st through 7th, 2011 in Washington State.

Hide your kids, hide your wife, hide your kids, hide your wife...

Looks as though they are starting to gather already:


Asked to describe the people she's seen streaming through Cougar over the past few weeks, she smiled and said: "Dreadlocks, pungent smell."

A circle of individuals gathering on the land in Pennsilvaina have reached an understanding

Silly hippies. It's Pencilvaina!

I don't see how Horning's Hideout could be held liable, unless they sold him the drugs. I would blame the kid's parents before the festival organizers.

Why? Because his parents sold him the drugs?

Besides, I don't see where the linked article mentions the driver's age at all. Why assume he is a kid?

Horning's Hideout is known for their drug infested summer concerts. Have been for 20 years or more. Whether they supply the drugs or just allow the pot and shroom carts to roll around doesn't really matter. Private property, no gates locked to keep the drugged up drunks in and security warns you, if you have children and don't know about the concerts, you may not want to come because their will be a lot of drunkin, drugged up hippies running around naked. HH for a fact knows what goes on during their summer festivals and chose to continue it for the money. The time has come to shut-down the summer festivals due to the fact that HH shows NO REGARD for the safety of anyone once people leave.

btw...21 yr old kid partying all weekend and doing hallucinogenic drugs.

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