
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2011 8:40 AM. The previous post in this blog was Look out, DNA, here they go. The next post in this blog is We're Graggalicious. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tri-Met looking ever more pitiful

Tri-Met is apparently admitting that despite all the payroll taxes it collects from area employers, it can't keep its MAX light rail system clean or safe. An alert reader sends along an e-mail message from his state representative, Jefferson Smith, which includes this news:

We can't maintain what we have, but we're building more? Wow. Just wow.

Comments (15)

Tri-Met...Pathetic...as usual!

Okay, what's "Adopt-A-Stop"?

Second, it sounds like a way of transferring some of the safety responsibility to the local community, which maybe isn't all that bad. Maybe it'll encourage people to rediscover what common sense is and develop some humility and respect for the laws of physics.

But wait, I thought the Max problems stemmed from Community Groups having already Adopted certain East side stops.

To ignore the the Bloods, the Crips, the Nortros and the Sotros contributions would be to reject their diversity, no?

Yeah, and when the shooting breaks out???

This is a great model for all our local services. Let's have community volunteers clean out the Portland loos, and re-tar our city streets.

How about "adopt a water main", and we can have a bunch of retired office workers out doing some excavation?

If Tri-Met is going to fulfill fewer of their responsibilities, then perhaps we should send them less of our money.

If only it worked that way.

You skipped the Human Trafficking, more please?

TriMet just lost the $20 million Adams was going to take from the Sellwood bridge for Milwaukie Light Rail with Clackamas County saying no to the fee.
In spite of being out spent 100K to 5K and every newspaper clammoring for the yes vote.

Now CC voters are going to say no to the $25 million promised for Milwaukie Light Rail by petition enabled voting on their Urban Renewal scheme to pay for it.

TriMet better stop their new boondoggle in Portland.

No ne else wants it and they won't pay up.

Same goes for the ludicrous Lake Oswego Streetcar.
Again, Clackamas County voters will say no.

Damascus said NO to Metro's "comprehensice plan", Boring is gathering signatures to vote TriMet out of their community and the County Commission is facing harsh treatment in the next election.

The "Adopt-A-Stop" program isn't new. It's been in place for years for bus stops.

Notice how well it works...

While TriMet cries poverty with bus service and even forces bus stops to have advertisements to pay for stop improvements, how many ads do you see on a MAX station? ZERO. How much more does the MAX stop cost to build, operate and maintain (and there are absolutely monthly operating costs, since there are electric bills to pay for the lighting and TVMs)?

If Portland wants to be "European", just look at any European streetcar/tram/light rail/subway/commuter train station. They are PLASTERED in ads - and not exactly small, discreet ads either. They are literally billboards at ground level.

"TriMet just lost the $20 million Adams was going to take from the Sellwood bridge for Milwaukie Light Rail with Clackamas County saying no to the fee."

Ben, you really think they are going to divert that money back to the Sellwood bridge and thus kill MLR. Really?

Hmm. In fact, Ben, the Sellwood Bridge rebuild is going to be privatized and you have a golden opportunity to get in on the ground floor by buying a piece of the new bridge. Contact me back channel and I'll tell you were to send your money. Small unmarked bills only please. :-)

Urban planning around here, including anything "transit" related, i.e, going to the store, brings one word to mind...

1. Something, such as a belief or institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed.
2. An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path.

That Adopt a Stop bit from J. Smith is from the same person that calls East Portland, at least the part he represents: Bedrock!

WTF! I guess he is Barney.

Coming soon to your neighborhood, 'Adopt-a-Swale

"...how adjacent residents can help us maximize the benefits of the greenstreet..."

One step away from being the adjacent property owners' 'responsibility'.

"Nothing to see here...move along..."

anon too,

Really? You read that?

I "think they are going to divert that money back to the Sellwood bridge and thus kill MLR."

Get real.

I know these people far better than that.

Snards:This is a great model for all our local services. Let's have community volunteers clean out the Portland loos, and re-tar our city streets.

Very funny stuff, except that there is an element of this coming down the pike.
I was at a meeting recently where a legislator told us that more will be expected from volunteers.

Think this is the plan all right. That way the more volunteers they can get, the less they have to budget and can still shovel money to pet projects.

As far as Jefferson Smith's program, for community volunteers to form teams to keep MAX clean and safe, I wouldn't think of asking citizens to volunteer on anything that would put them in harm's way.

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