
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 5, 2011 9:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Eight new Wal-Marts within Portland city limits?. The next post in this blog is A ballot box worth stuffing. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Landing on her feet

Passed over for the top job at the Portland Development Commission, economic development guru Erin Flynn has left that agency to take a gig as an "associate vice president" at the real estate development firm formerly known as Portland State University. "She is expected to oversee partnerships and efforts between the university and government agencies, school districts and private business." Her annual salary? Wait for it...


Flynn lasted four years at the PDC, having been brought in by the Potter administration. The last time we checked, she was making about $150,000 a year there. During her tenure, there was little meaningful economic development in the City of Portland, despite a lot of planning and strategizing.

Comments (7)

C'mon you know they protect their own. As long as these people are compliant and shut and collect their overblown paychecks it'll always happen here. How else do you think Randy finds his staff?

Remember folks the real demarcation line is not D/R or Lib/Conservative - It's do you give the govt more money than you get or not.

What a great gig to work for the City of Portland, doing little of substance. Much like the head of the Portland Water Bureau making ~$200,000 and also doing little more than planning and strategizing about ways to take more money.

Fail up. No one knows what "economic development" is, so once you become an acknowledged "expert" in it, people will keep coming back to you. They wouldn't know how to define your success, or lack thereof, anyway.
I was really surprised that Sam was willing to make the "I will create X number of jobs!" promise. Not sure why he would set a measurable benchmark for himself. (He won't be speaking of that promise anymore of course.)

"No one knows what "economic development" is"

Take a look at Sam's new eco dev director, Peter Parisot. Another high-paid job for someone who's never had a job running a company or hiring people.

However, he really cares about people getting "equity". Which, BTW, is the next over-used undefined term since sustainability.

160k for strategerizing and overseezin.

I'd like to see her work product over the last 5 years.

It probably amounts to doin stuff.

BUT "Livin Large" as an elitist with 10,000.00 every month.

Money for nuthin' again!

"I was really surprised that Sam was willing to make the "I will create X number of jobs!" promise. Not sure why he would set a measurable benchmark for himself. (He won't be speaking of that promise anymore of course.)
He is creating more jobs still.

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