
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2011 9:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fukuvision. The next post in this blog is It's official: another City of Portland computer fiasco. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Laker losers

It's been a remarkable day in sports history. Not only did the Lakers get swept by Dallas in the pro hoops playoffs, but they were blown out of the building and showed their true colors as soreheads and chumps. Phil Jackson ended the season, and likely his career, presiding over a collection of underachieving jerks, who compounded poor play with dirty play. To them and their Laker Nation faithful, we say, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. Dynasty over, folks.

Meanwhile, how many people around the country, particularly in Portland, will now admit to boasting a month ago that Dallas gave the Blazers the best chance of all possible opponents for a first-round upset? We thought the Lakers might be more ready for a fall, and that looks to have been an accurate assessment. Not that the Blazers were going anywhere, anyway, but they might have broken out of their role as playoff doormat.

Comments (18)

The Cheap Shot heard around world: Andrew Bynum hopes he has a no-trade clause or he's history.

What about the Sixth Man of the Year? "Of course I did that -- we were losing by 30." Two words: head case.

In all fairness, but still inexcusable, Dirk nearly took Odom's head off on the previous play. The announcers never ran a replay, could have been called a flagrant. End result, Lakers:Losers.

There has got to be some bad mojo in that locker room. This team (outside of Fisher getting older) was better than the ones that won the championships.

I dread the LeBron speech: "Not 1, Not 2, ...)

Meanwhile, in basketball news:

"They could blame Dwyane Wade for getting entangled with Rondo, dragging him to the floor with him, but this was a freak injury for a freakish player. From the trainer’s room, the report came quickly to Rivers: dislocated, out for good. There was no time to think about the repercussions, but they were unmistakable. Yes, the Celtics were destined to go down to the Heat, and go down hard. They couldn’t lose him. They couldn’t survive the storm of LeBron James and Dwyane Wade without a counter of Rajon Rondo.

Nevertheless, Rivers implored the Celtics to stay together, stay on the script and push past without the point guard.

'And 30 seconds later, I was in the huddle and saw Rondo walk by me,' Rivers said."


Relax, L.A. fans. Kobe says he might be crazy but he still thinks the Lakers can win the series.

I can't decide which was more gratifying--watching the Lakers be sore losers in this series, or watching Bryant cry on the bench as Detroit beat them up, took their lunch money, and dated their moms.

Lakers hatred is weak. It's like hating the Yankees. Way too easy. Be more original.

You know what's weak? Taking cheap shots at a team that's whupping your butt, in a way that could injure key players and deny them a chance at a ring.

For such a great team, I've rarely heard one that made more excuses (oh, Gasol didn't play well enough, or oh, we beat ourselves because nobody else could) than a 12-year-old caught shoplifting.

Wouldn't it be refreshing if Phil Jackson said "Dallas kicked our as* and was the better team in this series", and the Lakers went and shook hands with the Mavericks at the end?

Phil Jackson got outcoached. Right?

I don't remember Michael Cooper or Kareem or James Worthy showing as little class as this group. I think they hurt the franchise yesterday with that display - especially when you throw in Ron-Ron's meltdown.

Phil Jackson: 13 rings, greatest coach of all time.

Kobe Bryant: 5 rings, 7 finals appearances in 10 years, oh and he scored 81 points in a single game once.

The Lakers got crushed, but I think history has already been written for these Lakers.

And, after the impending lockout, the Lakers will be back and will probably have Dwight Howard to help them.

Revel in winning the battle, because your imaginary "rivalry" with the Lakers has already been lost.

Phil Jackson: 13 rings, greatest coach of all time.

If your only criteria of a great coach or player is "rings". based on the childish behavior of the Lakers players last night, I'd say they have no other criteria for "great".

The Lakers got crushed, but I think history has already been written for these Lakers.

Which Lakers? The team has has different personnel for each championship. Kobe Bryant is a great technical player, but widely reviled, and never known for being a man or sportsman, and especially not for any degree of maturity. I call him the "Shadow Jordan", because he often represents the whiny, ugly, dark, immature side of all-star play. He's never been half the man Jordan was on the court.

Revel in winning the battle, because your imaginary "rivalry" with the Lakers has already been lost.

You mean the Lakers are disbanding? Sweet!

But seriously--given that Jackson has coached two of the greatest pro basketball players in the NBA's history, how much credit does he deserve?

Revel in winning the battle? Are you kidding me?

Watching the Lakers quit on Phil Jackson and then exhibit that classless display of thuggery was way beyond revelry. Sunday was a 48-minute orgasm.

"Watching the Lakers quit on Phil Jackson and then exhibit that classless display of thuggery was way beyond revelry. Sunday was a 48-minute orgasm."

Fair enough.

more importantly , the NYT said last wk , if they get beat they will break up the team , SO , who do we want off that team ??? gasol...

Here's a really decent summary of my feelings on the Lakers and this series:

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