
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 10, 2011 7:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was Use your imagination . The next post in this blog is Japan nuke mess hits Hawaiian dairies. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cogen's running for something

This evening the Multnomah County chair takes a page out of the playbook of his mentor, city commissioner "Legend" Dan Saltzman: He goes stumping for the school tax bond measures. Wouldn't you know? He's "for the children" -- and "jobs"! The older homeowners in town can go live in a bunker in Tigard.

The e-mail was sent from jeffcogen.com, and apparently engineered by Kari Chisholm. That spells an active campaign to us -- presumably, for mayor.

Comments (6)

Portland's future is scripted like an Obama speech.

Going to be a crowded field for Mayor. With Multnomah County in control of the ballots, Jeff should do real well.

Cogen is Adams spelled differently, with different City Hall men's room habits. Not one bit different, otherwise.

"Portland's future is scripted like an Obama speech."
Prompter envy? So your argument is Portland's future is not well scripted or is well scripted? What does this mean other than an envious swipe at a leader who knows how to pronounce nuclear, with or without his prompter?

Please, we must pay more attention to know that we need completely new people in all levels of the political arena. Running campaigns does not assure good leadership or working for the public interest.

What does this mean other than an envious swipe at a leader who knows how to pronounce nuclear, with or without his prompter?


Surely, you jest...

...or project.

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