Above the law, cont'd
A reader, who knows we share his concerns, writes this evening:
After a long day of paving between SE Stark and Burnside on 102nd, I guess the city workers decided that since they couldn't find enough parking for all of their equipment, they would park all night in front of the fire hydrant at my apartment complex. Sure hope there isn't a fire tonight...

Maybe the mayor, who runs that bureau, will tweet something about it.
Comments (8)
Oh come on; you aren't seriously thinking, hoping and wishing "hiz honor" would actually DO anything that actually produced a constructive or helpful result for a ordinary citizen?
Posted by Portland Native | May 11, 2011 5:34 AM
I think it's informative to note that the City That Works had to purchase a Volvo brand road roller for its maintenance and construction department. Let's see, is that the Bureau of Transportation?
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | May 11, 2011 7:03 AM
Ikea, H&M, Volvo. Shavin' Sam opens his checkbook for anything Swedish.
Posted by Garage Wine | May 11, 2011 7:13 AM
It's all part of the plan to make Portland more like Stockholm.
Posted by Eric | May 11, 2011 8:23 AM
PBOT and the Water Bureau are known to own a number of Volvo trucks as well (although I believe the trucks are made in the U.S. but the profits are sent overseas...)
One would think that they'd have a "buy local" campaign and ensure that every heavy truck was a Freightliner so at least the money would pass through Portland with a little skimmed off before being sent to Germany. "Do as we say, not as we do" is Portland's NEW motto.
Posted by Erik H. | May 11, 2011 12:23 PM
"you aren't seriously thinking, hoping and wishing "hiz honor" would actually DO anything that actually produced a constructive or helpful result for a ordinary citizen?"
I've been thinking about this lately. What does the mayor offer the common Portlander? Usually, politicians dish out some sort of "bread and circuses" to convince the public they are doing something. But in Portland, they really don't even have to do that.
The only tangible thing I can think of that the mayor offers up is bike lanes. The rest is just a bunch of vague "sustainability" talk. I guess the kool-aid drinkers like the streetcar, but no one outside of NW pdx actually uses it.
Posted by Snards | May 11, 2011 12:59 PM
During the Mt Tabor reservoir project Slayden Construction stored steel plates on My street in front of a fire hydrant for months.
After contacting the Fire Department, Water Bureau and Parking enforcement, not to my amazement nothing was done to move them.
I even contacted Czar Leonard, again nothing.
I guess it is do as we say not as we do!
John W
Posted by John W. | May 11, 2011 5:51 PM
Call it in to 911 as a traffic hazard...
Posted by tankfixer | May 14, 2011 8:16 AM