
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2011 4:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is Fukushima worker dies. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

2.0 earthquake on Mount Hood

Just under Timberline Lodge, apparently, at about 4:17.

Comments (7)

I'm not worried...

From the USGS...

Renewed activity at most volcanoes begins with increasing numbers of earthquakes beneath the volcano as magma moves towards the surface. Since 1977 the University of Washington's Geophysics Program and the USGS have continuously monitored earthquakes at Mount Hood. Typically, one to three small earthquake swarms (tens to more than one hundred earthquakes lasting 2 to 5 days) occur every year. What scientists are looking for as a sign of renewed activity is for a swarm to persist, for the number of earthquakes to increase dramatically, or for the depths of earthquakes to become shallower. Such signs of reawakening might also be accompanied by changes in composition or temperature of fumarole gases, or by deformation of the volcano's flanks."

The USGS has this one at 0.0 km depth, at least preliminarily.

My friend and I were driving to Hood River on Hwy 35 around that time. We came upon the dusty aftermath of a rock slide, to which I remarked, "If Hood erupts or the big one hits, we're toast."


Dang that global warming ... er, climate change.

The earthquakes are just like the changes in our climate, they are a part of nature and a part of the ever changing, ever evolving planet. The atmosphere changed before man ever saw this planet and it will continue to change long after we are gone, ditto the earthquakes. And just like we can't stop/change earthquakes, there is NOTHING that we can do to change/stop the way the 'climate' is evolving. The BEST that we can do is work on ways of adapting to these changes.

If you run the location parameters on Google Earth, it places the center on a west ridge of the mountain, somewhat more than the 1 mile uncertainty given in the data. It's a spectacular shot!

45.375°N, 121.709°W


You ARE toast.

Sooner or later.

As are we all.

In my own case, in six months to a year.

To the Other Jimbo:

Just wanted to acknowledge the words you wrote above. Hopefully you are finding a lot of grace and comfort from those around you.

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