
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 25, 2011 5:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was The news nobody's reading. The next post in this blog is Fireman Randy has an answer for everything. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, April 25, 2011


The San Francisco treat.

Comments (8)

Too bad the dummies on the Portland City Council seem to be clueless about the bum and panhandling problems in Portland.

At least SF is trying to do something. The article mentioned putting benches out for people to sit on. Mayor Potter tried that here. Portland spent thousands on benches that are little used because panhandlers don't want to sit on benches - they're too removed from the people they want to hit up for money. Anyway, more and more panhandlers aren't sitting - they stand, so sit lie wouldn't work for them. If panhandling can't be banned, why not require that panhandlers obtain business licenses from the city (this should be required of any street solicitor, inluding charity solicitors)? The city could then do criminal background check on those soliciting and collect a license fee.

So your idea is to require a permit to speak on the sidewalk?that sounds special.

It's a business.

Just TRY to walk through the homeless convention on the corner of SW 6th and Morrison. Very demoralizing.

I'd like to start by putting out donation boxes and encouraging people to put change in there instead of giving it to panhandlers. I think I read about another city doing that. The money goes to local service providers.

I'd also really like to see some research on what happens to these kids. No doubt some percentage end up being chronically homeless. But I can't shake the feeling that some large percentage are just kids playing "homeless" for a year or two, before going back to their family or some other support structure that was really there the whole time.

I'd also really like to see some research on what happens to these kids. No doubt some percentage end up being chronically homeless. But I can't shake the feeling that some large percentage are just kids playing "homeless" for a year or two, before going back to their family or some other support structure that was really there the whole time.

Speaking from experience some of that is true. Most get out and live troubled lives, few re-adjust to living a life anything like what most would call normal.
Most of those that don't get out die of addiction or disease.

Downtown Portland is a disgrace!
The panhandlers are aggressive, mentally unstable, drug addicted and dangerous.
One of my commercial tenants came to his place of business to find some crazy street woman had started a bond fire in his doorway at 5:30 am one morning.
Are you reading this Fireman Randy??? a fire on the street! She said she was cold.
I wish someone would light a fire under the back sides of the city council members.
NO ONE at City Hall gives a hoot about the health and well being of the businesses in the downtown area. They just want more 'class A office space' for more service people.

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