
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 24, 2011 9:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was SoWhat condo values keep declining. The next post in this blog is The news nobody's reading. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lakers have hands full

If the Blazers win their playoff series with Dallas, next they'll play the winner of the Lakers-Hornets matchup. Portland's opponent would not be well rested, as the L.A.-N.O. series has now gone back to being tied. Ex-Blazer Jarrett Jack hit a clutch fourth quarter shot for New Orleans tonight, and his team earned a split at home to go with the split they pulled off in L.A. Like the Blazers, the Hornets are 2-2 and will have to win one on the road to stay alive. The Blazers go again tomorrow night in Dallas, while the next game in La-La Land is Tuesday.

We wish the New Orleans fans would resist chanting "Beat L.A.!" It only seems to inspire the Lakers. They hear it everywhere, and so it's almost like a home crowd cheer. Plus, calling them out by name essentially acknowledges that they're a special opponent. Surely there's a more wicked formulation to taunt them with.

Comments (3)

Maybe it's a character flaw, but after a bad loss for a team I'm rooting against, I like reading their local online newspapers, just to maximize the pleasure of a win. For example the Fort Worth Star Telegram has a little morale-booster for the Dallas Mavericks entitled, "Meltdown, series have that familiar Mavs' smell‎." Nice to see the region pulling together for their team.

Tonight's effort by Monty and the Hornets down in New Orleans drew some tremendous comments from Lakers "fans" in the L.A. Times. Just at a glance, my favorie was, "Phil Jackson and Pao gasol should be fined and fired for lame play and LAME coaching.End of STORY......"

I'm sorry, but the idea of Phil Jackson winding up his legendary career by getting fired during the playoffs, gives me waves of joy. I know you can't have anything that's beyond perfect, but that would be beyond perfect.

The West side of the bracket looks interesting, but OKC is going to be the team to deal with. I guess Perkins made a big diff since they never had a real good post player.

Of course, I was pulling for ORL beating MIA in the East finals and that is looking pretty tenuous now.

I thought I heard NOLA fans chanting "Kobe sucks" while he was attempting free throws. That's probably a bad idea, too.

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