Bicycle Rex leaving politics
But he's hoping to get an urban planning gig at Portland State, where bad ideas grow. He'll fit right in with Vera and the rest.
But he's hoping to get an urban planning gig at Portland State, where bad ideas grow. He'll fit right in with Vera and the rest.
Comments (9)
I have a better place for him.
He can be a "Thinker-in-Residence" in South Australia like Fred Hansen.
That way he can't screw up Portland any more than he already has.
Posted by Erik H. | April 28, 2011 12:36 PM
Burkholder tells Sources he is more interested in trying to influence public policy from behind the scenes, possibly at one of Portland State University’s urban policy-related centers.
I imagine the insiders will find a place for him as Executive Director of this PSU Center for his years of service to the agenda.
I do not view this PSU tie in with the city policy plans as positive for those of us who live here resistant to having our city redone to a mantra!!
Years ago I had a conversation with Burkholder, in it I complained about the undue infill and "new housing", he indicated to me that this housing was not only for us but for our children and grandchildren!! I remember saying "Excuse me, I do not think this is what we had in mind for the American Dream!"
Living in little tiny cells without yards, wow, we have come long way baby!
That of course, is only for most of the people, others will have the McMansions and Estates!
Posted by clinamen | April 28, 2011 12:47 PM
- should have said, I do not view this PSU tie in with the city/metro policy plans...
Posted by clinamen | April 28, 2011 12:49 PM
Rex should take a few months off and open a little business, say a cafe, and learn the ins and out of what people have to go through before deciding what they need to go through.
Posted by Evergreen Libertarian | April 28, 2011 3:03 PM
"Rex should take a few months off and open a little business, say a cafe, and learn the in and out of what people have to go through before deciding what they need to go through." That was so well said. Rex won't do that though as he believes he is omnipotent. A flake like him would never get his hands dirty and do some real work, or take real risks.
Posted by John Benton | April 28, 2011 4:10 PM
I challenge PSU to hire minimally a few urban planners/architects that think differently than their normal stable of uber-planners.
I remember when departments of universities had variation of thought and actually had visiting lecturers, professors that were outside the genre of the year. The discussions and workshops generated by this open-mindedness was one of the most invigorating aspects of university life. I plan on encouraging this perspective in my afterlife, and even before. We need diversity of thought.
My nephew quit PSU largely for the lack of this diversity.
Posted by lw | April 28, 2011 7:23 PM
Another PSU sinecure? Perhaps Ms Katz and Mr "Will you help me pay off my campaign debt" Burkholder could be assigned to the same tiny office where they might converse only with each other?
Posted by Gardiner Menefree | April 28, 2011 8:38 PM
Oh dear, the bloom is off the rose for a pol in your home state too ... This is so screwed up, it could have been Portland.
Posted by George Anonymuncule Seldes | April 28, 2011 11:28 PM
Wouldn't many of us be relieved if the local elected official "club members" left the city and/or just retired and left us alone?
Mayor Katz, did not retire, as I recall was a consultant for Merritt Paulson, (stadium)
and is she still at PSU?
Posted by clinamen | April 30, 2011 12:12 PM