Latest Japan nuke threat: It's the water
The nuke people keep telling us how different Fukushima is from Chernobyl, but there are a lot of parallels. In Chernobyl, the graphite that moderated the nuclear chain reaction exploded and caught fire, spreading toxic radioactivity worldwide. In Fukushima, the water that was supposed to cool the reactor core and help moderate the reaction interacted with the zirconium shell on the fuel rods and caused several hydrogen explosions. And now nasty radioactive water, straight out of the reactor cores, is puddling up inside the reactor buildings and making it impossible for crews to get in there and undertake their desperate measures to prevent an even worse catastrophe:
Tokyo Electric Power Co said radiation in the water of the No. 2 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi plant was measured at more than 1,000 millisieverts an hour. That compares with a national safety standard of 250 millisieverts over a year. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says a dose of 1,000 millisieverts is enough to cause hemorrhaging.There's similarly wicked water on the floor in the turbine room of reactor no. 3 as well. That's the place where two workers wound up in the hospital after wading into the puddle the other day. Reactor no. 1 is reportedly in the same position.
A lot of radioactivity has already wound up in the ocean near the triple-meltdown scene. Some of it may come from airborne contamination that's fallen or gotten washed down in rain, but given the huge volume of water that's being pumped onto the deadly mess inside the reactor buildings, a lot of it's got to be straight runoff:
Growing concern over food safety spread to the fishing industry over the weekend, when officials said seawater samples taken 30km off the coast of the Fukushima plant contained 1,850 times the normal level of radioactivity.The nuke people are going to tell us that the ocean is huge, and dilution is the solution. But it's unlikely that the public will be able to buy that for long. You look at maps like this one, and this one, and you start to realize how bad this is eventually going to get.
Meanwhile, if you look quickly before they take it down, you'll find this on the New York Times site:

And then you read that they've found Chlorine-38 in the water on the reactor 3 basement floor. That particular radioisotope has a half-life of only about 37 minutes. Which means there's probably still a nuclear reaction going on inside that reactor. Google "recriticality," and try to have a nice day.
Comments (6)
It appears criticality is rather low, even if water is lost.
Posted by Lawrence | March 27, 2011 5:23 AM
By now, anybody with any life experience whatsoever, has developed a geiger counter for government B.S. Then there's a secondary machine for sniffing the information as it passes through our corporate media. Or should I say their corporate media? Here's how I think the meeting went:
"Fenstock, you have a problem?"
"Ahh, yes sir. I know you want us to downplay the dangers here, but I also read that 1 millionth of a gram of plutonium will give you cancer."
"And you bought that?"
"Well, there's lots of information floating around the Internet. I will say I've yet to find anyone who says that ingesting plutonium is good for you. They all agree that it's very dangerous."
"So what's your point?"
"Well, Reactor 3 has plutonium in it, sir, and that's the one that sort of worries me...."
"Is that all?"
"Uh, yes."
"Look, here's what we do: We compare what's happening to common things in people's lives. Don't get into the details about how the body handles various isotopes, or whatever and for God's sake, don't mention plutonium. Just say that it's all radiation. Compare it to, say, the radiation they get on an airplane flight. Okay? Fenstock, what is it?"
"I've had some pretty bad airline food, sir."
"And your point?"
"I don't think I ever had an airline meal with plutonium in it."
Posted by Bill McDonald | March 27, 2011 5:31 AM
Everything you and I have learned about plutonium and such we got from the government, so that is BS too, I suppose. It's not toxic, nor does it have that horrible half life. Say, who invented half life anyway?
They want to scare us, pure and simple. Why? Because then they have us by the gzornen plan.
That includes, especially, MIT.
Posted by Lawrence | March 27, 2011 9:23 AM
Sooooo...Long story short: do I have to quit eating at Sushiville?
Posted by Mister Tee | March 27, 2011 10:54 AM
Mister should quit anyway,sushi is nothing more than an expensive bacterial lawn.
Posted by Skipper Bob | March 27, 2011 11:59 AM
If you knew Shushi
like he knows Shusi....
Posted by Lawrence | March 27, 2011 12:02 PM