
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 23, 2011 8:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was State employees union: Raise taxes. The next post in this blog is Above the law. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

El Linchpin

Aerial tram fever is contagious, apparently.

Comments (11)

Another piece of infrastructure for which OHSU will avoid paying a fair share!

Go by municipal banjruptcy!

No problems in Rio from neighborhood groups, probably.
Unless...the folks down below start shooting at the gondolas.

Is that what Portland is going to look like after Sam and Randie get done?

Ah, yes, Arioch forbid that any solution might, you know, try to deal with that poverty instead of letting the rich fly over it.

"transforming the hour-and-a-half trudge to a nearby commuter rail station into a 16-minute sky ride"

Wow public transportation that might solve a real need rather than an edifice to some dufus in office.

If that's a picture of Lair Hill, the density is developing nicely.

Cool! Slum tours. Hey mommy! Look at the gunfight down there!

How do you say "F**k the Tram" in Portuguese?

$75M for a sky tram, or $50K for a bulldozer and fuel; leaving $74.95M to build something that isn't a slum.

Tough decision.

We already know that Portland's Tram was 8 times over budget, but let's do some more comparisons. Rio's is 2.1 miles long, while Portland's is 3100 ft-2/3 mile, making the Rio tram almost 3.25 times longer. Rio's has 152 cars, Portland's has 2. Rio's cars carry about 12, Portland- 22. Portland's cost over $79 Million with full accounting of actual costs (not including debt service). Rio claims $74 Million.

Dumbed down, you could say that at minimum Portland paid over 3.5 times more for equivalent service. Go figure.

"With the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics coming to town, making the favelas look like a theme park could convey just the right impression."

Just like here, it's all about making the right impression, not about finding the most practical solution to the problem.

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