
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2011 5:04 PM. The previous post in this blog was They're everywhere. The next post in this blog is Reactor "container" damaged at Fukushima. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't touch royalty

Jeld-Wen Inc., the Klamath Falls-based window and door company, has bought the right to put its name on the civic stadium owned by the City of Portland. It is paying Merritt Paulson for those rights.

How much is it paying? You're just a taxpayer -- you don't get to know.

Comments (14)

Royalty is exactly right. Another bunch of neanderthal conservatives.

I've seen my last Timbers game.

"Portland Mayor Sam Adams called Jeld-Wen "a company that has never forgotten its roots and where it comes from."

Nice glomming on Sam - They're from Medford, I believe. Betcha Jeld-Wen covers all his contribuiton and part of the franchise fee?

Gee, maybe Randy should've thought about signing over all the mgmt revenuew for the stadium - What a dumb ***!

Kiddie counsel members may have destroyed this town, but at least they are "progressive" in thinking.

When I was e-mailing the council, lobbying against the stadium deal, I brought up the point that money for naming rights to a publicly-owned stadium should not be counted as part of Paulson's "contribution" to the costs of changing the field.
I suggested that perhaps my neighbors and I might want to sell naming rights to the street where we live. After all, we actually own the property, unlike Paulson.
The mayor's office responded with an explanation of why we can't do that, as if I actually intended trying it. Apparently, their sense of humor is as lacking as their common sense.

When the Mayor feels the need to actually make a statement about the corporate naming of the stadium, you know he's desperate for press.

And Jeld-Wen? Funny. Jeld-Wen owns companies it bought in other states long ago. In fact, it's been many years since most of its employees worked in Oregon--they're scattered across the globe. Calling it an "Oregon company" is farcical--but then again, so is Mayor Facebook. The company buys other companies, builds resorts, acquires real estate and interests in other companies. Windows? Those long ago were relegated to a side business.

And its corporate headquarters? Klamath Falls. The company is named after the co-owners--who are Idaho natives, not Oregonians.

Here's my favorite quote from their corporate history:
Jeld-Wen management looked forward to the Bush administration's assumption of power as a time of unimpeded real estate development.

Awesome. Way to go, Adams. I'd laugh your schizophrenia, if I weren't too busy crying at the royal mess you're going to leave the city in.

In short? There's nothing especially "Oregon" about Jeld-Wen, and hasn't been for probably about 30 years.


I'd much rather Jeld-Wen than PGE. I can choose where to buy my windows (and I can assure you, it won't be Jeld-Wen. Besides, they cater to higher end homes.) I don't care for a regulated utility company spending money (is it ratepayer? is it stockholder? how can you tell the difference?) for such frivolous things like naming a sports stadium.

Instead of being wierd "They're SCRAPPY, innovating ... I couldn't think of a better sponsor of this facility." But are they sustainable? Who supplied the glass for the old remodel?

But how long do the naming rights last? Until the next unnecessary remodel?

Paulson is coming out smelling like Roses with the Jeld-Wen Park deal.

As reported last week in Tribune's "Fenway's Magic...", the new Park's $31 Million cost has the taxpayers initially paying $12 Million and a total of $19 Million coming from Paulson with an initial $8 Million being cash from Paulson.

But here's the real kicker, Paulson's remaining $11 Million is paid back by 17 years of future rent payments to taxpayers for Paulson's exclusive use of Jeld-Wen. That means no money actually from Paulson-taxpayers are losing 17 years of normal rent payments. Most common sense people would deduce then that Paulson is only contributing $8 Million-the cash and our lost rent payments are paying the rest.

But wait, there's more. Paulson rangles in the last "negotiation rounds" with Sam and Randy the exclusive stadium naming rights. From inside sources Jeld-Wen is paying about $5 Million with additional millions for extension(s). Wow, now Paulson is down to $3 Million and less. Then it is just announced he gets 25 parking spaces almost free at the taxpayer expense. And we taxpayers are still paying to pay his popcorn pushers for the difference between Oregon's minimum wage and Portland's livable wage.

Then I'm left wondering how many Service Development Charges, Building Permit fees, and other "subsidies" like on-street parking fees/tickets we have and will give in the future to Mr. Paulson.

What a deal!

...Paulson's exclusive use of Jeld-Wen. That means no money actually from Paulson-taxpayers are losing 17 years of normal rent payments.

Timbers will be sharing the venue with Viking football, concerts and other events. Timbers aren't the only revenue stream as I understand it.

Then it is just announced he gets 25 parking spaces almost free at the taxpayer expense. And we taxpayers are still paying to pay his popcorn pushers for the difference between Oregon's minimum wage and Portland's livable wage.

Taxpayers aren't building parking spots for Paulson, I believe they are giving up possible revenue for some spaces near the stadium so that employees/VIPs have a free place to park. This is more than made up by the increased revenues from extra usage and jacking up the prices during events. Taxpayers actually come out better.

Despite John's sour grapes games are already close to selling out. Some will sell out as soon as the rest of the tix are released next week.

I find it somewhat ironic that Sam Adams is praising the re-naming fo PGE Park after Jeld-Wen, The owners of which are far right conservative backers of the the Republican Party. At least most Oregonians don't even know who they are. It will not impact that vast majority that doesn't watch soccer or deal in the commercial millwork business.

Gene, by my use of "exclusive" Paulson's LLC controls all events at the Jeld Wen Park. He gets the revenue, controls content, etc.

In regards to the parking, it is on-street, public owned parking and he is getting substantially reduced pricing for the exclusive use of these spaces at the determent of taxpayer's general fund.

Keep spinning.

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