
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 1, 2011 7:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was Great news! Another $5 million for bike stuff!. The next post in this blog is Disconnecting the Mount Tabor reservoirs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does the PDC owe Multnomah County property taxes?

Here's an interesting throwdown that wound up in the Oregon Tax Court. Multnomah County asserts that the Portland Development Commission owes property taxes on the low-rent Fairfield Hotel. The PDC says the place is properly classified as tax-exempt.

Who's right? The court didn't say -- yesterday, it threw out the county's claim because it hadn't given the PDC proper notice. It sounds as though another round is certainly possible in this dispute.

Comments (4)

Look at the PortlandMaps tax history page, the taxes owed/assessed are all over the place. Usually if it is a non-profit owned, they'll show $0 taxes.

Maybe Judy Shiprack developed this one too.

If it does, why isn't the County pressing it? Surely they could use the revenue and apparently the PDC has it to throw away.

On a more sinister note, does this have anything to do with the mayor's frequent remarks about insisting the city assume control over county operations?

End the PDC.

This is interesting. PDC assumed it was exempt under the nonprofit tax exemption program or its governments status. This was clearly an oversight when they bought it. But, it shouldn't have taken Multnomah County so long to figure it out. PDC has owned this property and another similar property for many many years and never paid taxes on the residential portion. But, it is a good argument for why they should get out of owning real estate. This was supposed to be turned over to a nonprofit long ago.

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