
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 31, 2011 4:01 PM. The previous post in this blog was Misery loves weirdness. The next post in this blog is Nuke plant neighbors totally trashed. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cha-ching! More Portland water bill money wasted

How about $50 an hour to one of Fireman Randy's pals to write the history of the water bureau? Then they'll hire some kid to Tweet it, 144 characters at a time for the next three years.

Comments (13)

Twicks or Tweets? Maybe twicks and tweets!

Better tweets, and without a staff to do them.

As a lifelong bueaurocrat Comrade Casey wrote the book all right, but has left out important pieces of the puzzle and interviews. No doubt sanitized to Leonard's and Shaff's specifications.

Mayor's New Transportation Chief Tours Spain - WWeek

No further comment needed.

Besides, don't voters ever get tired of being ripped off by pols in this town?

That project's going to take a loooooooong time.

I'll do it for cheap: "Crap and water goes downhill".

Besides, don't voters ever get tired of being ripped off by pols in this town?

That is probably one of the few things around Portland that is sustainable.

Is there going to be a chapter on all of the water bureau staff that have joined private contractors and then subsequently gotten multi-million dollar contracts?

Or what about the chapter that describes how a region that has so much fresh water will soon have the most expensive water rates in the USA?

Or how about a chapter on how hundreds of EPA scientists complained that they were politically interfered with but that Mr. Leonard insisted we had to comply to the "politics" of LT2 that was not based on science.

Article on EPA scientists complain about political pressure:

Will the book tell us that our area will now be drinking toxic water based on politics and corporation's decisions and lobbying for that LT2 rule?
Money trumps the health of a community?

Our bully laid down like a lamb on this for the corporations and of course all this will be smoothed over in that book.

Well, there are other writers in this community who know the truth here, there may be several other books coming out on this.

Think again, Randy if you think you can keep this quiet. No matter what you want said about you in "your book", you will go down in history books as the sellout of our good water.

Stop your excuses, you won't ask for the Waiver because you don't want it.

That residents of Portland should pay high water rates when we have a great source of clean, safe water from the Bull Run and are situated at the confluence of two major rivers is ridiculous, even given the price of "Big Pipe" project which is at least related to the bureau's mission statement.

Here is a chart comparing water use and bills and although it doesn't include Portland, it's still possible to draw comparisons by looking at your own bill and then at the figures here.

Its figures only go through 2009; wish it were a little more recent.

Money trumps the health of a community?

Saltzman should ask for that Waiver,
he has worked on children's issues for years.

It is a cynical ploy by Leonard so that he looks good, at least in the PWB Official History Book.

Doubt that Saltzman will ask for that Waiver, unless he surprises us.
Seems asking for a Waiver has been a taboo with this Council.
Who are they working for anyway?

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