
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 9, 2011 5:00 PM. The previous post in this blog was Taxpayers, rejoice! Oregon is going broke more slowly.. The next post in this blog is Piling up the bad karma. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Borrowing for maintenance

Not even routine maintenance -- we're talking deferred maintenance.

Are we ever in trouble.

Comments (3)

Makes me think that if the Mathew Knight arena were not built, the taxpayer's share ($100MM?) could have been used maybe to address this problem. Instead it is up and operating and will be having monster trucks and bull riding help pay the rent. Understand the tennis event last night was quite nice, but they did not have concessions open. Thought THAT was where they made the big money.

Portland Public Schools is doing something similar here in stumptown. It deferred maintenance for a decade or more, instead spending it on retaining teachers and other items. Now it's asking Portland area voters for a half a billion dollars in tax payer generated funds.

Yawn. Is this news?

It's standard operating procedure throughout the Metro region. TriMet builds new MAX lines, but begs for borrowing authority to replace buses that were eligible for 90% federal funding eight years ago. PPS...is there a school that's in "acceptable" physical condition? PBOT - build new streets and streetcar lines, but who cares about installing sidewalks and filling in potholes on streets that last had regular maintenance 20 years ago? (And don't forget the unpaved streets that PBOT now calls "traffic calming devices".)

At least PDX looks pretty darn nice. And without taxpayer funds (since the airport is self-sufficient)...but the new container crane at T-6 isn't, and now Portland Fire can't rescue someone trapped from the top of it.

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