
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 16, 2011 2:40 PM. The previous post in this blog was Don't bug me when I'm.... The next post in this blog is SoWhat neighbors win a round on immigation jail. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Forget "linchpin"

The new buzzword for looting the public treasury for private gain is "iconic."

Please make a note of it.

Comments (10)

Don't forget the other buzzwords:

sustainable, green, Gerding, Edlen, PDC, Walsh, Hoffman, urban, amenity

God, we're screwed with this bunch running stuff.

When a large real estate development corporation is an unelected part of city government, how can we not be?

"Sigh" More retail space, more condos, in this economy? This sort of "growth" hasn't been working, for a couple of years all across PDX and the state. Not sure what these types are smoking a lot of, but it must be good.

And along the lines of Steves comment. I just love reading proposals like this, the wording/phrasing the development/real estate community uses, has such a unique quality to it. So pie in the sky optimistic, and hip and wonderful, it pushes the bounds of fiction.

The public treasury wouldn't be an exclusive feeding trough for the "insiders" if the local fourth estate would get off it's dead butt.

Four uses of "Iconic" in a less than 16 column-inch article. Sounds like someone over at the Willy Week needs a thesaurus.

Oh, and how shocking that we see Gerdling Edlen and Hoffman Construction involved...

Wait a second. The word has been used in the past around here. Over five years ago these same people plus Homer Williams and the architects used "Iconic" to justify the Leaning Tower of John Ross in SoWhat.

They used "Iconic" before the Design Commission to justify the elimination of four Standards that increased the dimensions of the building in several ways. They said that this building would be unique. Never mind that people testified that Miami, New York, LA, Houston already had oval shaped tall buildings.

Where's the "Iconic"? Don't you feel like you're in a whole new "Iconic" world when you're in SoWhat? Like you're in Portland?

The James Beard concept reminds me of an earlier attempt to create a gourmet hub downtown in the 1980's.

From the Portland Housing Authority website regarding the New Market building:

"Nearly 100 years later adaptive re-use encouraged retail/office uses and in the 1980s the building briefly became a retail mall named "New Market Village."

Key word: briefly. As I recall it had specialty retailers, open market stalls selling gourmet/imported food products and restaurants. Apparently, the concept lost it's appeal rather quickly. Shoppers disappeared and vendors were forced to jump ship. At least that is what I remember...

Potentially Iconic! or is it Colonic?

Isn't the New Market Village the building that became isolated when Max was built, and most of the businesses died during the construction years?

I use to frequent the New Market. It had hopes of succeeding. But it did fail mostly because of the years to put in lightrail right in front of it.

It's like ChinaTown that is dead because it took PDC over three years to put in pavers, bioswales, a few sculptures, and take out over 20% of the on-street parking. Businesses can't survive these long periods of PDC/CoP social engineering trips. When will we ever learn?

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