
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 30, 2011 9:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was 'Dog charities have their day. The next post in this blog is Clueless. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Who would have thought...

... that that grand piano out in the middle of the bay was part of a student's college admission bid?

Comments (7)

I saw pictures with birds hanging out on the piano. If it happened in Oregon, the enviros would be going to court declaring the piano to be a critical habitat and the mayor's office would issue a press release saying that since there's a bird on it, it must be art.

Possibly, GW. But since the piano was in fact considered a source of litter, and since some of the pieces may have migrated to the ocean and endangered aquatic species and their natural habitat... I think Portland would have simply banned the sale and ownership pianos.

Who would have thought . . .we can't have Miami out do us now! I imagine the city coming up with an idea to create a towering sculpture of bicycles and parts by the waterfront, or better yet, how about out by West Hayden Island?

The bike advocates need to go there, see it with accompanied music “Hail to our green chief!” The one who likes to drive big trucks, the one who wants to take 300 acres for asphalt to bring in more cars by 2040!


West Hayden Island is 800 acres of forests, wetlands, grasslands and fish-friendly shoreline along the Pacific Flyway at the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia rivers -- bigger than Ross Island and Washington Park combined.

Today, Portland Mayor Sam Adams weighed into the long-running conflict. He wants city staff to devise a plan by next year to convert some 300 acres of the island into marine terminals, most likely for imports of cars and trucks or exports of bulk goods such as potash and coal


We were there first and it was much more elegant. 1983, Mt. Hood Jazz Festival Poster, Piano on Trillium Lake.

Yeah, but did they set it on fire?

No, but the poster sure set the festival on fire!

Quick, someone go throw a baby-grand off the Markum bridge. Then we can claim to have done it first.

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