
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 18, 2011 1:56 PM. The previous post in this blog was Eliminating the middle man. The next post in this blog is Calling John Kroger. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

That's my last 'dog painted on the wall

Here are the lines for the final week of our charity pro football underdog game:

3.5 CHICAGO vs. Green Bay
3.5 NEW YORK JETS at Pittsburgh

Gary takes first prize for the season -- congratulations to him. Second through fifth places are still up for grabs, with four players jockeying within that range:

Biggest Cubs Loser 62.5
Andy 62
pdxmick 61.5
Gordon 61

Speaking of prizes, here they are once again:

First prize - $500 to player's favorite charity
Second prize - $165 to player's favorite charity
Third prize - $100 to player's favorite charity
Fourth prize - $75 to player's favorite charity
Fifth prize - $50 to player's favorite charity

In order to move up in the rankings in this final week, not only do you have to pick a winning 'dog, but it has to be a different winning 'dog from the player ahead of you. Makes for some interesting strategy issues -- but your 'dog also has to win while the other player's loses. Last year, neither 'dog (7.5 NY JETS at Indianapolis or 4 MINNESOTA at New Orleans) prevailed.

Even if they're out of the "money," we encourage all our players to throw in a final pick. Play for pride, people! And good luck, everybody.

UPDATE, 6:15 p.m.: One interesting wrinkle this time around is that both 'dogs score the same number of points for an outright win. And so if you pick a winner this weekend, nobody can pass you on their way up the chart.

Comments (1)

Congratulations to Gary and the other leaders! This is a difficult contest, and they've done great.

I'll make my out-of-the-money pick on the record and pick Chicago. I'd be disappointed if the Packers lost, so I might as well get the points as consolation.

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