
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 5, 2011 7:34 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland schools want *two* property tax measures?. The next post in this blog is Sing along, everybody. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pro football overtime will be different in playoffs

It's not "sudden death" any more -- at least, not exactly:

Under the new rule, which starts with this weekend’s wild-card round, the team that receives the first overtime kickoff would win the game on that possession only via a touchdown. A field goal then would not end the game in sudden death but would give the opponent’s offense a chance to score. On any subsequent overtime possessions, either team could win with a score of any kind.
More on the change, and the reaction to it, is here.

Comments (5)

Why am I certain the new rule will cause my favorite team - the Eagles - to lose this weekend? And just when I start to get over that, Cam Newton will crush the Ducks. This could be a brutal 24 hours of football.
Of course, I could be setting up the football gods by saying all that. You never know.
That was quite a Sugar Bowl. I bet the Ohio State players get a great price for their memorabilia.

Probably not as much as those Arkansas receivers got paid to drop those passes.

I gave up on pro football a long time ago because I thought it was rigged. But the fact that the Seahawks are in the playoffs with a losing record (when teams with winning records are not) pretty much says it all.

Yeah, I'll bet the owners won't let that happen again. The 'Hawks are not a legitimate playoff team.

Did you see the original spread on the NO-SEA game in the Oregonian Monday? They had the Saints as only a 3-point favorite. Wha? I would have bet $1,000 against my Hawks if that was the case. They corrected it Tuesday to 10.5 points. Even that seems a little low.

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