
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 26, 2011 9:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was We need an Oregon company (wink, wink). The next post in this blog is The multi-modal mecca ain't always pretty. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

'Dog goes for food

Gordon, the fifth place finisher in our charity pro football underdog game, has designated $50 of the pool to go to the Oregon Food Bank. We're still waiting on Gary and pdxmick to steer the first ($500) and fourth ($75) place loot. Guys, are you out there?

Meanwhile, we thought we'd noodle around and see how many winning picks the top five finishers had -- testing our hypothesis that it's better for a player to have a few huge winners than a bunch of small ones. Here's how many victories the top players actually got credit for in the 20 weeks of the game:

1. Gary - 78 points - 10 winners - average winner 7.8
2. Biggest Cubs Loser - 62.5 points - 10 winners - average winner 6.25
3. Andy - 62 points - 10 winners - average winner 6.2
4. pdxmick - 61.5 points - 11 winners - average winner 5.59
5. Gordon - 61 points - 8 winners - average winner 7.63
6. Flowers by Dorcas - 56.5 points - 9 winners - average winner 6.28
7. Larry Legend - 56 points - 8 winners - average winner 7

Top 7 players - 437.5 points - 66 winners - average winner 6.63

In week 20, no underdogs prevailed, and so there were only 19 possible weeks for a win. The highest possible score would have been 158.

I'm not sure what these stats prove, other than I'm going through spreadsheet withdrawal now that the game is over.

Comments (3)

make a lsit of who picked the most TOTAL games. I'm sure Gary did but after that it would be interesting as many just seemed to pick the biggest underdog each week....

Thanks once again Jack for all your hard work during the NFL season. It really does add a lot of excitement each week for us players, as well as a hefty payoff to worthwhile causes. My loosing strategy of picking games with a closer spread, in hopes of winning in the long run will not be repeated. I’m going for the “long ball” next year. Congratulation to all the winners!

The spreadsheet I'd like to see is Gary's take for the season if he had bet a C note per game on the moneyline for his dogs. Hitting 50% betting on eight point underdogs over the course of the season might lead one to ponder a career change.

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