
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 6, 2011 3:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Fireman Randy's biodiesel dream fizzles. The next post in this blog is New Cully food waste dump to process 100,000 tons a year. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cylviagate shaping up as Kroger vs. the Network

At least that's the way WW is spinning the ugly corruption probe into state contract work awarded to incoming (returning) Gov. John Kitzhaber's first lady. Once Kitz is sworn in next week, the immediate controversy will be doused, but the bad blood between the attorney general and the Old Boy Network is sure to linger on. Frohnmayer, Shepherd, Stan Long -- oh, my!

UPDATE, 5:55 p.m.: It appears old Ted has hired his own outside investigator. It could be quite interesting when the outside investigator finds out that the new governor isn't going to pay him.

Comments (9)

If he pulls it off, maybe we'll have to change our opinion of his future.

Except, it's Kroger's office that cleared Long and the others of criminal charges. Kulongoski is the one pushing for a continued (non-criminal) investigation. The Harang/Long/Rudnick old-boys law firm is vilifying both Kroger and Kulongoski equally.

If we're entertaining conspiracy theories, you could argue that Kulongoski is the one with nothing to lose on his way out the door, who's trying to atone for past sins by cleaning up one tiny little mess at the end of his career. Kroger, on the other hand, who clearly is aiming to be Governor, is saying "Hey, I can investigate the personnel issues. No need for an independent counsel -- there's nothing to see here. . . ." with a wink-wink to the old boys network.

In the end, though, I have to agree with one commenter at WW who asked how much we're going to end up spending while investigating some portion of a $200,000 contract that was directed to the Gov's girlfriend by over-eager state bureaucrats wanting to make sure they didn't piss off the new boss. I'm not sure there's anything more to it than that.

Dear Miles: How much money has to be stolen before we spend money to prosecute known theft? Would you arrest a shoplifter if it costs more to write the ticket than the value of the stolen item?

Of course this has nothing to do with Cylvia. Man, the chicks must dig Kitz.

"wanting to make sure they didn't piss off the new boss."

I don't believe he was the boss when they threw Cylvia this deal. Not like Kitz lost his Rolodex.

If it's theft, dhughes, of course they should pursue it, no matter the amount. But this has the potential to be a lot less than that -- possibly just a handful of bureaucrats asking one contractor to consider subcontracting with another firm -- a common occurence in government. The key question is the rationale: was it because they thought Haye's firm had expertise they could lend to the project? Nothing wrong with that. Or was it because they wanted to please the potential incoming new boss? There's quite a bit wrong with that, but if there was evidence, wouldn't Kroger have filed charges?

if there was evidence, wouldn't Kroger have filed charges?


having "potential to be a lot less" is an oxymoron

Man, I cannot WAIT To hear the arguments from Long re: privacy in the state-owned and state-poWered computer located in a state-leased grocery store buildiNg-turned-office where the rank and file work under exceedingLy onerous monitoring of all email traffic and web surfing. Yes, i will be very eager to hear the arguments from high level state poobahs concerning worker privacy ... Or maybe it's just for those who have Daddies as name partners in law firms.

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