
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 1, 2011 6:53 PM. The previous post in this blog was Who's the fairest one of all?. The next post in this blog is But don't worry -- he's right about stadium deals. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Calling Ted Wheeler... come in, Ted Wheeler...

A reader writes:

I was with someone yesterday who could not get cash from bank from expected PERS deposit on the 1st, and in Fred's today dozens of shoppers filled their carts only to get to checkout and find their food stamps cards did not have new cash in them. Fred's staff was going crazy re-stocking all that food. Something fishy is going on!

Maybe Gov. Ted took the money and went to Vegas.

Has anyone else heard about this? Something to do with the holiday, perhaps?

Comments (11)

If there's a bank where you can get cash from expected deposit I'd like an account there.

Yeah, that sounded odd, but the people living off PERS and food stamps are used to a pattern of some kind that apparently has been broken this weekend.

I am pretty sure the state allows December wages paid on Jan 1 to be held until the first work day in Jan if the 1st falls on a weekend to avoid having the wages counted in the last tax year.

It's fairly standard... anytime a "payday" (PERS, food stamps, wages, child support, etc) falls on a federal or state holiday, it doesn't show up until at least the next business day (sometimes it takes several before it's caught up). Most of these people probably just didn't realize that New Years Day (and probably yesterday as well) were state holidays with no business being conducted.

December wages paid on Jan 1 to be held until the first work day in Jan if the 1st falls on a weekend to avoid having the wages counted in the last tax year.

That's not right. If it's not paid until Jan. 1, it's not taxable until Jan. 1. And food stamps aren't taxable income, anyway.

anytime a "payday" (PERS, food stamps, wages, child support, etc) falls on a federal or state holiday, it doesn't show up until at least the next business day

But Saturday's not a business day. Why were these people expecting to be paid on a Saturday?

State checks will likely go in at the stroke of midnight. If this doesn't happen, but midnight Monday morning it will be in there. Usually state paychecks go in Friday (midnight) before the weekend should the 1st be on a weekend, however the state cannot pay employees 13 checks in one year. This would also mess up the taxes.

Government protocol:

If payday falls on a weekend, payment is made prior to the weekend. If payment is to be made on 01 Jan and the date is a Saturday or Sunday, payment is made on the preceding Friday.

Years ago the Tigard School District had to absorb a 1/12 budget cut when the state decided to pay their obligation at the end of the month instead of the beginning. Maybe our new State legislture has figured to pay the bill at the end of the year for a 12/12 budget cut.

Food Stamp benefits are loaded on different days at the beginning of a month according to recipients Social Security numbers.

I got my food stamp benefits today as expected.

And, Cynthia is right, Mr. Barton is wrong - as far as Food Stamps are concerned anyway. I have never not gotten them on the first - regardless of what day it falls on, or if it's a holiday - unless I owe them some paperwork.

But obviously, the people at Freddie's who expected to have a balance on their SNAP card today were those who receive their benefits on the first of the month as I do.

Yeah, I'm not sure about the food stamp part of it... My experience draws from Child Support benefits my wife recieves, which are administered by the state... It always takes a few extra days to process anytime there is a holiday (or furlough day).

I had a relative who worked for the state, and I remember their direct deposit being delayed by a day or two depending on holidays at times (although this was a few years ago, not sure how that works now).

My guess is those who expected food stamp benefits to come through got their days confused or something....

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