
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 17, 2010 3:39 AM. The previous post in this blog was Buck-a-Hit Day finishes with $8,682 for worthy causes. The next post in this blog is Schwingin' with Sam. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Who left the best comment?

It's time to pick the winner of the comment contest from Buck-a-Hit Day yesterday. The winner gets to steer $250 of our charity donations to the nonprofit organization of his or her choice.

Here are our contestants, in chronological order:


Santa gets lots of cocoa and sweets.
So, last year we changed our menu.
Abacela syrah was among our treats,
so much so that he missed his next venue.

Before he indulges again this time--
and happens to forget your 'hood--
he wishes you now with this silly rhyme:
A Christmas especially good.

Texas Triffid Ranch

After RickN's poetry, my "I got a rock" comment is completely inadequate. Give him my vote, okay?



Bad Brad:

I remember when Christmas day started at 3 AM.

My brothers and I would awaken with anticipation for the very special day ahead. Four or five hours of whispering, wishing and wondering what was under the Christmas tree.

For us boys, that was the wonder of Christmas.

Now that I’m the “Santa,” Christmas still starts at 3 AM. My wife and I will put the special gifts under the tree, and we will whisper and wonder if their wishes come true.

We wish all of you a very special day as well, and hope you enjoy the wonder of Christmas!


I spent a year working on a project for one of OFB's regional food bank agencies and it is an awesome, awesome non-profit. To my knowledge, so are the others on the list.

Merry Christmas, everyone. Here is my poem; kudos to all the cat ladies and good citizens I know.

Feral Cat Christmas

It is warmest in the brush near the Cottonwood trees
where we huddle together;
the Tortishell, the Tiger, two kittens and me.

The cat ladies arrive on the levy before Dawn,
bearing gifts of Meow Mix, meat scraps and milk,
ignoring signs reading "Do not feed ferals";
risking wrath from the local gentry
and their ilk.

We share solace also with homeless campers;
seeking warmth, they undestand our plight;
They know whose birth we celebrate accepts the lowly and gives them light.


Before Rudolph, how did Santa deliver gifts on foggy nights? Just wondering


Have yourself a merry little holiday
Let your city be fair
From now on
Our problems will go nowhere

Have yourself a merry little holiday
Make the season straight
From now on
Our solutions will wait and wait

Here we are as in days gone by
Happy robber baron days so sly
Faithless pols who are ill to us
Have terms that never die

Through the elections
We will suffer all
If the developers allow
Have yourself a good stiff drink
And try real hard not to think about it all

Debbie Feller:

Hi and thank you for such a generous idea here today! Linda K. sent me over.
I just have a little Christmas story to share. Sorry, it doesn't go with your designated donation sights, but is for St. Jude's Children Hospital. In our little town, a little boy named Dax Locke was struggling with cancer. He didn't have long to live, and so his daddy decorated for Christmas in September, because Dax loved Christmas and the lights so much. The neighbors asked about it and then they too decorated and it spread to the whole town and even across the nation and around the world. People would send the Locke's pictures of their lights for Dax. Dax passed away at the end of December and now the Locke family, in memory of their son, are committed to raising $1.6 million for St. Jude, the cost for them to run for a day. A Christian music artist, Matthew West, has written a song titled, "One Last Christmas" and dedicated it to help the Locke's raise money for St. Jude's. You can find out more and hear the song at http://www.daxlockefoundation.com. Thanks so much for all you are doing to help others! God bless!

And now, for your vote!

Who left the best comment?
Texas Triffid Ranch
Bad Brad
Debbie Feller
pollcode.com free polls

We'll leave the balloting open until noon on Sunday, and announce the winner Monday morning.

Thanks to everyone who visited here yesterday, left a comment, or made a donation. You are greatly appreciated.

Comments (2)

Bah marmalade!

I don't understand the reference. Hope we'll get some enlightenment tomorrow.

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