
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2010 8:11 AM. The previous post in this blog was Oh, they saw something, all right. The next post in this blog is Isn't it a school day?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'Tis the season to be dead

I see the Portland City Council's new gun ordinances are really having an impact on gang violence on the east side of town.

Remember when the gangs used to bang only in the summer? Now it's a year-'round sport.

Comments (8)

And it's right here in my neignborhood.

The gangs don't stand a chance in the face of Sam Adams' Twitter attacks.

As successful as his leaf fee is (or was).

Sam's going about this all wrong - he should have gone for the gun/shooting fee.

The high density plans, which in turn destabilized neighborhoods, particularly the push to do so in East Portland, parts of North Portland and other targeted areas
are not helping the situation.

Critical time here with unemployment and other matters. Unfortunately Mayor cannot now fix and undo the result of this push. With no thanks to former Mayor Katz, former Planning Commissioner Charlie Hales (Sam was with them the whole time) for degrading our city, and particularly some neighborhoods!!

I don't think that the high density push is fueling the gang problem. The apartments in the outer east side have been there for 30-40 years in many cases. I'm having a hard time making a connection between the row house problem and the gang violence problem.

aw come on Jack, you're grandstanding. Besides being adopted only last week, implementation has to be figured out by PPD, the DAs office, etc.
And at best, it will be equivilent to curfew laws, simply another tool to arrest or detain someone they might not be able to otherwise. I too question the wisdom or efficacy of the ordinance, and expect it will meet legal challenge the first time its used.
But since its here, lets see where it goes. I would be happy if it had an effect clamping down on gang violence, or violence regardless of its source.

The apartments in outer east side that have been there for 30-40 years mostly 1 or 2 stories that blend in with the community are very very different than the ghetto type housing built now 3, 4 plus stories crunched in the tightest of spaces, enough to pass butter from the window of one building to another!

One of these developments is like putting an extra small town into the neighborhood, so was there an increase in public safety officers or other services needed?

Much of this “code-accepted” type of housing is due to the light rail and zone policies that allows to bring it in, are you thinking that this connection has nothing to do with gang violence?

Have been told that the best deterrent to crime is to keep the livability in one's neighborhood, how is that possible with the kind of city policies that bring in the destruction of this livability?

There is a combination of things I am sure that have brought this on, and I have no expertise on gang violence, but the destabilization of neighborhoods in our city has not helped.

Me thinks you need to take a trip around these neighborhoods to see, or are you one of those who has benefited from these policies?

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