
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 13, 2010 9:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Cha-ching! Another $1 million for Homer Williams in SoWhat . The next post in this blog is Speaking of food waste. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Do Tri-Met transit cops have their own bomb squad?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Comments (8)

Define "bomb"...

Define "inquiring minds." Surely it's not one that would produce this:

The Illegal Alien kids the Dream Act is intended to help are the children of the Illegal Aliens who created the demand for housing that drove the sub-prime housing bubble.

Seriously Jack, you're linking to this guy?

I reserve the right to reject and oppose any effort by others to force, inject or propagate their inferior Third World Culture upon us, the citizens of the United States of America.

The Transit Police Division (part of the Portland Police) does not have it's own "bomb squad." There is a officer or two who are members of the PPB bomb squad (which is used by all agencies in the Portland area), and another couple officers who are trained bomb dog handlers. The officer with the special patch would be one who is a member of the PPB bomb squad and the transit police. (Being on the bomb squad isn't a full time gig for most officers.)

Seriously Jack, you're linking to this guy?

He raises a good question about Tri-Met. I didn't read any of the rest of his blog. And linking to a site doesn't imply an endorsement, except to a troll.

He raises a good question about Tri-Met.

Jack - YOU often raise good questions about Tri-Met. This guy provides no evidence for his claim. No links. He doesn't even specify which TV news channel is his source for a brief picture of a shoulder patch. His claim or question is no different than any other unsubstantiated claim by an anonymous person on the internet.

Maybe what he says is true. And maybe I'll someday get that million dollars the Nigerian prince is holding for me.

The point I'm trying to make is you can look to more credible sources to provide evidence for your complaints about Tri-Met.

I didn't read any of the rest of his blog.

His comment about "inferior Third World Culture" is in his "About Me" section, immediately adjacent to the post you linked to.

And linking to a site doesn't imply an endorsement, except to a troll.

I don't think anybody is implying you endorse this guy's racial or cultural beliefs. But you are implicitly endorsing his credibility by choosing to link to him and his claim - a claim for which he provided zero evidence.

From what little I know about you, I assumed you would disagree with this guy's primary views. That's why I posted what I did.

Why have transit police when you can get your own dog?


From what little I know about you

Several readers also saw the story on the TV news, and have asked me about it.

One more troll outburst from you and you get a much deserved timeout.

This one's for you, Joey. Helping you maintain a free mind while you have the chance.


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