Something good coming
We held the regular periodic poker game at our place last night. I lost seven bucks overall, but on the plus side, one of the guys brought this over for a spin:

It's a wonderful recording in that it seems not to want to please anyone but the musicians themselves. Petty has shown contempt for the music industry in his previous writing, and it's been o.k., but now he's treating it as simply irrelevant, and the results are even better. There's mostly blues in here, and even a Dead-like jam vibe at one point, to go with some classic sweet Beatlesque Heartbreakers noise and a ballad or two. It's all new original material written by Petty. Very grown up and interesting, but eminently listenable, it would make a nice Christmas gift for the geezer guy on your list -- if he hasn't already run out and bought it on CD himself.
Comments (3)
Tom Petty has a fantastic radio show called Buried Treasure on the SiriusXM satellite station Deep Tracks. He plays all kinds of rocks, roots, blues, etc. He's a great DJ.
Posted by none | November 6, 2010 4:28 PM
"Rocks" should have been in the singular...
Posted by none | November 6, 2010 4:29 PM
There's also some Led Zeppelin mixed in there toward the end of the new album.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 7, 2010 11:06 PM